[Imc-web] did i miss something?

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 11 22:54:49 CDT 2006

I'm sort of at the end of a string here in Kansas with a rusty laptop, 
so I could have missed something. I remember Wendy asking about this, I 
noted that I could see us making a policy decision on this and that I 
would support such a policy, and the next thing I know, Wendy had edited 
the story.  I sort of presumed there would be more discussion. The names 
had been up for several days, so there was no particular urgency for a 
rush to judgment on this. I realize there were some anonymous comments 
made on the site, but I generally ignore such as being trollage. I don't 
know what people wrote directly to Wendy when she solicted opinions, 
though, but I agree we don't necessarily want to run our editorial 
policy just on what a few people's opinion might be. We need to do it by 

I think you subsequently explained the reasons not to suppress the name 
in this case very well -- was it in an email? Sorry, but my head is back 
in the 50s today. The problem is that no one bothered to explain the 
reasoning behind the decision when BD just started dropping it right out 
of the blue. I know BD made a brief stab at it in  his article, but I 
think in a way that treated the issue as if it was self-evident in this 
case. For him, maybe, but for most of our readers, probably not.

At this point, we need to do whatever puts the focus back on the 
(in)justice system. Feminists fighting with anti-racists is a bad scene, 
no matter who's right -- and probably both are, at least in part.

As for the name, no, I don't think we had a decision on that. So please, 
let's not put it in terms of the IMC "caving in" on anything.
Mike Lehman

Danielle Chynoweth wrote:

> did i miss the decision by the imc web team of which i am part to cut the 
> name of stacy rahn from our stories?  come on people, we can not continue 
> to censor ourselves when we get a little public pressure - i keep watching 
> the imc cave on issues of well established journalism.  am i missing 
> something? WTF! - danielle

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