Follow-up to: [Imc-web] Re: Hiding comments, etc.

Phil Stinard pstinard at
Mon Oct 23 14:35:16 CDT 2006

One more thing, Mike.  Could you please make it absolutely crystal clear for 
me whether it is the content or the style of my comments on homosexuality 
that some people find offensive?


>From: Mike Lehman <rebelmike at>
>To: Phil Stinard <pstinard at>
>CC: imc-web at
>Subject: Re: [Imc-web] Re: Hiding comments, etc.
>Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 14:51:13 -0500
>Phil Stinard wrote:
>>Hi Mike,
>>I think we have fundamentally different ideas on what it means to provide 
>>an area for free speech and exchange of ideas.  You tend to want to 
>>protect people from particular ideas.  I don't have any particular 
>>problems with that, but you really need to be more honest and up front 
>>about the policies.  I'm not referring to Jack Ryan so much right now as 
>>your comments on homosexuality, so I'll limit my reply to those:

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