[Imc-web] Steering Meeting Notes from 1/8/09

Nicole Pion nicole at ucimc.org
Mon Jan 12 17:16:00 CST 2009

*Steering Meeting Minutes from January 8, 2009*

·         Space request: Ricardo Diaz proposed an Inauguration Day party at
the IMC, which will be a social event in the main space, potluck style with
attendees bringing food and drinks.  It will be a semi-private semi-public
event that we are hoping people will hear about by word of mouth.
The idea is to provide a time and place for local friends and strangers to
celebrate the beginning of one administration and the end of another, and to
get to know the activist-progressive community in town.  **

·         Lobby Art Installation – Laurie would like to reformat the honey
exhibit and will be doing so in a location set aside by Chris Evans**

*Group Updates:*

*ALL IMC SUPPORTERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE*:  The UCIMC has a good deal of vacancy
at the moment.  We need all community members to help us get the word out
about the available spaces.  This is going to be a tight year financially
and we need to fill all rentable spaces. All organizations are welcome to
rent the spaces, so please spread the word or refer any interested groups to
imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net.

·         OJC suites are available for $1600 + utils / mo

·         Old post master's office on the first floor is available for
$425/mo ( has adjoining bathroom)

·         Studio on second floor $225 / mo

·         Large office on second floor $650/mo

Jason Keist has recently begun working with the finance group as a
programming intern who will focus on building partnerships with community
groups who could utilize the IMC's resources.

Re-keying of the building will take place when the IMC has set staffing
hours so that rekeying does not reduce access to the building.  All those
interested in staffing should contact Nicole at nicole at ucimc.org.

Danielle will be traveling to Burma and Thailand to give talks on community
media – if you have contacts in Bangkok, Chang Mai or Rangoon please let her

*Tech: *
Working on creating a fast and easy system for installing software on all
new computers.
The new mail server is almost all set up.

An IMC delegation will be heading to the inauguration this January 20th.  They
will be blogging, taking video news, interviewing, and more.
The IMC Film Festival is coming up February 6-8th, we are currently
collecting submissions, so please spread the word:

*CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: IMC Film Festival, Feb 6-8, 2009

**This February 6, 7 and 8th, the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center
(IMC) <http://www.ucimc.org/> will be hosting the IMC Film Festival (
www.imcfilmfest.org).  This three day celebration of the art of
cinematography will highlight local and independent artists and kickoff
monthly IMC Film Nights.   It will also be a chance for local and
independent filmmakers to share their work and connect with other artists,
community members, and organizations.  The festival is open to submissions
and we are advertising widely within the artist and art-supporting
communities.  The IMC also has a wide support base of almost 600 different
community members and volunteers.  We anticipate a strong turn-out for this

The IMC Film Fest will benefit the IMC's Production Group and the IMC as a
whole.  The Production Group facilitates independent video and audio
projects for TV/radio/Web by members of the Urbana-Champaign community. We
manage the IMC Production Room, a computer lab and digital studio for
learning and producing media.  We provide a workshop environment to improve
our own understanding and professional experience in multimedia technology
and to share our knowledge with others through hands-on training and citizen
journalism.  However, as a non-profit, we need community support to maintain
these facilities and reach out to community members.

The IMC Film Festival will be open to all, free of admission charges.  We
are inviting local businesses, regional film makers, and production
companies to be sponsors.  As a thank you to our proud sponsors, we will
list supporting organizations on promotional materials, the official IMC
Film Fest program, our website, and at the event.  Additionally, you are
invited to upload your logo and website links to the IMC Film Festival
website (www.imcfilmfest.org).  This is a great way to introduce your
business or non-profit venture to a wide audience.   We would also ask that
you share information about the Film Fest and your sponsorship with your

Submission Info:

The IMC Film Festival (February 6-8, 2009) will showcase the talents of
local and independent film makers.  If you or anyone you know is interested,
please feel free to submit your work to the production group (
production at ucimc.org <imc-production at lists.chambana.net>).  We will be
accepting films of all lengths and genres for consideration.  Please share
this message widely!  We will be posting submissions to our website so that
the community can discuss films and vote on what they would like to see.  If
you have a suggestion that is not your own work, please give us as many
details as possible, including how we may contact the film-maker to get
permission to show the film.  Other suggestions are welcome, but priority
may be given to locally or independently produced works.

How to submit:
1) Use our online submission form and/or create a user account on
http://www.imcfilmfest.org/node/add/film  or
http://production.ucimc.org/node/add/film  (they are the same site) [User
accounts are optional and enable editing and story/blog posting].
2) E-mail the IMC Production Group (production at ucimc.org) with details about
length, genre, credits, permission to exhibit, and any other pertinent
information or questions.
3) Mail films, credits, and promotional materials to [please anticipate one
to two weeks for delivery]:

Production Group C/o UCIMC
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
202 S. Broadway Ave, Suite 100
Urbana IL 61801.*

Thank you for your interest!***

*Shows: *
January 16, 2009 - Friday, January 16: 7:30-9pm - Improvised Music Concert
Featuring Percussionist Tatsuya Nakatani (Sponsored by WEFT)

David Lippman Counter-Intelligence Cabaret Comedy Theatre.  Saturday,
January 24: 8pm - Tickets will be $12 at the door.  Contact Larry Keller at
359-2887, or Ed Hawkes at 493-4654 if you have any questions, or need flyers
to pass out.

IMC Film Fest 2009 is in the planning stages – please come to a shows
meeting to get involved.

Print has not been meeting over the holidays as many members are out of
town.  The most recent issue has been widely distributed and there are only
about 200 copies left.  Ricardo Diaz is interested in pursuing a Spanish
language insert in the Public i.

Many people out of town over the holidays, but will resume normal
broadcasting soon.  A new station manager will be needed coming up this

*Artists Group:*
The group has started a list serve (Imc-artists at lists.chambana.net) and are
meeting on a monthly basis.  This month's meeting took place at the Odd
Music Convergence, Sunday January 11, 2009.  In concert with the librarians
group, they have started the process for selling artwork in the IMC
mainspace by cleaning and painting the display cases.  The newly acquired
kiln and kick wheel will be located in a basement studio.

*Radical Librarians:*
Renovations are ongoing, books, magazines, etc. that may fit the collection
can be donated at the IMC.  A new reading space is being constructed across
from the library.

*Community Connections: *
A working group to improve the IMC's connections to the community through
revitalization of the space, creating membership manuals, staffing the
building, etc, has been proposed.  First meeting 1/12/09.  **

*Books to Prisoners:*
BTP is creating a training process to train more key staff.  They are also
considering a new logo.  Danielle suggested a new project could be sending
books to ICE detainees, or finding a way to get publications into their
hands.  Currently, most detainees are moved to Texas and likely do not have
access to a lawyer, as this right is in jeopardy for immigrants in the
United States.
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