[Imc-web] Carl Drexler is now following you on Twitter!

Twitter follow-jro=hpvzp.bet-fa47b at postmaster.twitter.com
Fri Jan 14 13:02:34 CST 2011

Carl Drexler (@cgdrexler) is now following your tweets (@UCIMC) on Twitter.


Username: @cgdrexler
Name: Carl Drexler
Location: n/a
Bio: Army archaeologist. Grinnellian, Cornhusker, Tribe...sman? (College of William & Mary). Pennsylvania-born Texan. Husband. Cat owner. Just a little nuts.Tweets: 17
Following: 106
Followers: 13
Lists: 0

@cgdrexler follows 3 users who follow you:
 * Champaign Park Dist - http://twitter.com/champark
 * Go Champaign - http://twitter.com/Go_Champaign
 * news_gazette - http://twitter.com/news_gazette

You and @cgdrexler have a follow in common:
 * City of Champaign - http://twitter.com/champaigncity

You do not follow Carl Drexler.

What's Next?

Find out more about Carl Drexler on @cgdrexler's profile page: http://twitter.com/cgdrexler
Send Carl Drexler an @ reply: http://twitter.com/?status=@cgdrexler
Send Carl Drexler a direct message: http://twitter.com/direct_messages/create/cgdrexler
On your mobile? Learn Twitter for Mobile: http://help.twitter.com/entries/14014-twitter-phone-faqs

If you believe Carl Drexler is engaging in abusive behavior on Twitter, you may report Carl Drexler for spam: http://twitter.com/user_spam_reports/UCIMC/confirm/cgdrexler?token=iqubpwVHI2ato6a8iq6U4G4VHuAc7bK2VatRqABmHocWcfxlYBOY0ICMNfA2ojEUA6bzC%2F9lTIgLfCLKC2jFD4Ax%2BiUWkNu2eAmgM47E%2BkTMZFp%2FvMYivg%3D%3D&evid=aqZhIIR2V3vbf3xk3WoFViDdLYOW%2BSo0rT0MlgMDN6s%3D&utm_campaign=newfollow20100823&utm_content=block&utm_medium=email&utm_source=follow
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