[Imc] Palast articles and audio webcasts this weekend

pfmueth at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu pfmueth at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Nov 14 17:43:33 UTC 2001

At 11:15 PM -0600 11/13/01, Paul Riismandel wrote:
>Every week I see many posts made to the IMC mailing list announcing 
>various events, giving pointers to information, and even discussing 
>recent news that's off the mainstream radar.  But why only reach 
>just 129 people when you can reach more than a thousand (in a day!)?

If my post of (eventually) a link to www.gregpalast.com and his work 
on binLaden and Bush and the spiking of FBI investigations, elicited 
this. I'd like to point out that he posts to the imc newswire 
himself, but the volume of material there is overwhelming. . ..

If someone who can post this Palast story and his WTO expose in some 
sort of featured position, I urge them to do same.

I'd like to think that I was posting what I thought was a truly 
amazing story to a local imc community.

I do resolve to check the events calendar more frequently, and I do 
agree the resources should be used more.

On the second subject, I've heard that there will be internet radio 
station down at the school of terror demo, does anyone know if there 
will be something similar in Ottawa for the IMF-WB gathering?

It would be good if we could have something in the way of an easy 
link to the sites that are hosting these.

I'm keeping my sore foot up and would like to participate in these 
events from my computer and hope other people would as well.

all for now,

PS sorry for the multiple posts

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