[Imc] steering group notes 5/19/02

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Sun May 19 18:11:49 UTC 2002

attending: mike w.(facilitating), james j., avram g., sascha m.
(notetaker), mike f., clint p., amy g., mike l., brian h.


working group updates:

space: cafe idea (see below); production room door fixed.  sink is
leaking; brita filter for fridge will be looked into.

shows: all's well, looking into recycling issues.

tech:  new DaDa IMC is being looked at. GET STUFF OFF MOJO AND SERGEI!!!

finance: we are running a deficit; argentina funding came in.

news: imc stringer andrew has uploaded one 10 MB file.  having problems
getting stuff for the show.  sarah k. is interviewing social active
artists -- will produce around 5 shows.

librarians: cleaned out mailbox.  have new Zine coordinator.  will
continue to do book processing.

print: paper will be 12 pages in june -- with an israel/palestine theme.
distribution lists are getting worked on.



4th of July Parade: application is in.  Discussion about what the 4th of
July Parade would look like.  We NEED someone to step forward to do
coordination -- is anyone interested in doing this?



Clint would like to investigate: how it would function, what the codes
are, how it would be funded, etc.  The proposal is that Clint look into
what would be required to make it happen.  The idea would be to check
feasability and then come back to the Steering Group with a more
formalized proposal.  Passed by consensus.

Drawing Resistance:  politically active art show that "migrates" around
the country.  Would come through in January 2003.  Then have to be driven
to Madison -- can anyone volunteer to transport the show to Madison.
Proposal to host the show passed by consensus.

IMC list: are we going to moderate the list to ensure that only postings
concerned with the IMC are sent to it?

Web Site: what to do with multiple postings, posts that cause problems
with the site.  Mike & Clint will look into it.

Adjourned: 13:10

Respectfully submitted,


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