[Imcfest-volunteers] Update: Need help moving/organizing stuff...

dan blah dan at ucimc.org
Tue Nov 6 13:23:16 CST 2007

Hey all,
If you are available, we could use help moving and cleaning the space
for the IMCfest this weekend.  We will be meeting around 5ish every
evening for the next 3 days and working till we are done.  We will be
doing everything from freshing up the walls with paint, cleaning
corners, moving furniture around, to scheming about various event time
issues that might come up.

Also, if you have signed up on the volunteer list
as a stage hand, stage manager, or sound tech please come out the IMC
after 5ish on tomorrow (Wednesday) as we will be doing some sound
checks with a couple bands.  This will be a good way for you to get
familiar with the space and its biggest toy.

If you haven't yet and want to volunteer please sign up on the
volunteer page:


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