[Newspoetry] Tell Supervalu-It's Wrong! and Save My JOB!

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 15 22:29:32 CDT 1999

The Urbana City Council will be considering a Resolution of support to
keep the Supervalu jobs in Urbana, instead of contracting the jobs out,
Monday April 19.  Please come to the Urbana City Building on Vine St.
across from Lincoln Square BEFORE the meeting, which starts at 7:30pm,
and sign in showing you are there to support the Resolution to Keep Jobs

In Urbana.

We don't necessarily need more folks to speak, since we are hoping for
quite a crowd and we have a short list of folks lined up to speak for
the workers.  We don't want to make the meeting go on all night, so we
want to be to the point so we can get to a press conference and make the

10pm news!  The resolution looks like it is sure to pass.  We don't want

to attack Supervalu by saying bad things; we want the facts to speak for

themselves and we'll have carefully scripted comments to do exactly
that, so please try to focus on the economic impact on the families
involved and be brief if you'd like to say something.

We would like to fill up the city building with people for the TV
cameras. Please be there to show Supervalu -IT'S WRONG!!!!
Mike Lehman

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