[Newspoetry] infinite silliness

Glenn meaning at meaning.com
Tue Jun 22 00:37:13 CDT 1999

My latest addition to gallery127, "noiz: an infinite amount of silliness"
can be found at http://www.gallery127.com/ (it is a program originally
designed to confuse email-address-grabbing-robots [wpoison], i think
it's interesting in it's own right. possibly a comment on the state of
the web itself.)

for those who don't want to click on (or retype) http://www.gallery127.com/
here is a sample page:

Nazi alertness colleagues chime grins Lloyd electrocute substrings
blabbermouth Occidentalizes affection Morse wartime flinching postulates
disseminated at ruffles.Englishmanb.fr
chicks at Ionicizeu.edu
pursue at cozyk.net
sheath at lurec.org
taped at crucifyingt.com
well at storm.Blanchardh.org
introduces at damns.preassignsp.mil
crippling at furrows.mediumd.mil
cleaner at turretl.org

abrogate admixed assaying squeeze Pythagoreanizes recurrent peek
breakpoints bud banquetings flair repeating manometer reworked plumped
admission barters diagonals coldness

Aramco forwardness enticers Huck
secretaries benefitting interleave Bechtel thousand Marxian homestead
Aztec chemistries leverage shortsighted entertainments disambiguation
goof refuses
gunning dismounting
excavating rotary fruitful

Taylorizes overlooked sourness Langford glorify sweepers steeling allocate
acknowledgement newsstand railroader 


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