William Gillespie gillespi at staff.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 22 10:11:45 CDT 1999

Hey Newspoets,

Last weekend was so much fun that I'm only now recovering. Kudos and
gracias all around. Enough people have expressed interest in seeing the
video that I propose we have a screening of it this weekend. We can eat
popcorn and watch ourselves watching ourselves.

Is there time this weekend that we could do this at OJC and watch the
video (with minidisc accompaniment) on Sergei's lavish monitor, without
disrupting the flow of education and commerce and good vibes?

The parts of the video I have seen have been of inconsistent quality.
The parts that are good are really quite good. I suspect that portions
of it are unuseable, although still kind of watchable, but we'll be in a
better position to address that when we've assembled our minds before a
bank of humming machines with both camcorders at hand.

What'd'ya'll thank?
Willy G.

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