[Newspoetry] 12-12-00**I Got A New Screw-Drive Door Opener (and the Country Got Screwed)**

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 12 22:00:00 CST 2000

It was a cold day
In Hell
And in Illinois
Old damn garage door opener
Cranky as a Florida election
Took off on its own
Ostensibly under my fingertip control
It should only respond to my command
Like my vote
The votes of millions of others
The majority vote against Bush
All of it ignored
By the Supremes
Along with any fundamental
Of fair play
Nothing but lame excuses
Why they can't count
"Why, we'd have to take off our shoes
When we get to eleven!"
So I went to the lumberyard
Paid my dollars
Took my chances
Now the door goes up and down
At my command
I got a new screw-drive opener
And the country got screwed

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