[Newspoetry] Re: Internet World: Reply All

sigfried at shout.net sigfried at shout.net
Thu Jun 8 14:19:01 CDT 2000

Dear Rob,

I hardly know what to say.  Having worked as a programmer and project
leader for 13 years, much of it doing Windows and DOS programming, I've
had a long time to assemble my reasons for thinking that Microsoft is
the worst thing that ever happened to the software industry -- even
allowing for its one great accomplishment: forcing IBM to support
open source software.  So elaborating on my points could require 

If you want to win companies such as mine back, I might suggest
reorganizing as an egalitarian workers cooperative.  This would
have the benefit of moving Microsoft from the forces of evil to 
those of good while at the same time it would probably get the 
justice department off your back.

Beyond that, I would be happy to answer specific questions.

Yours truly,


Rob Howard said:
> Hi Sigfried,
> I was perusing through my copy of Internet World and happened upon your
> response to the open question.
> I work for Microsoft, and one of my roles is discussing our technologies
> with companies and understanding ways we can improve.
> Would you mind elaborating on some of your points? 
> I hate to think we've lost you as a customer, but I'm afraid we already
> have. However, I would still like to know what we should be doing to
> improve... and what it would take to win companies such as yours back.
> Thanks Sigfried.
> Rob
> office 425.936.8927 | cell 425.765.0815 | fax 425.936.7329 (attn: rhoward)

| Sigfried Gold                        sigfried at onthejob.net |
| (217) 278-3933                            www.onthejob.net |

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