[Newspoetry] [Fwd: publication request]

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 30 23:32:08 CST 2000

Seems to be a lot of "ToKAGE" going on, which may explain the disjointed
nature of the text.

Then again, maybe not.

Or maybe it is a translation from the Japanese of "Oedipus Rex" as seen
from point of view of a punk rocker/geisha/dog lover.

Or maybe we don't have the faintest idea what's going on, in which case
the person is in line to win the 2nd Annual TRACE Hypertext prize.

William Gillespie wrote:
> This guy sent some prose like this to the Unknown list, which is not
> set up to handle submissions, then to me, which is not really set up
> to handle this submission.

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