[Newspoetry] Credit Card poetry

Sam Markewich 2 s7markew at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 23 05:23:30 CST 2001

If I could get a credit card in anybody's name I wanted it would be in
the name of William Gillespie.

Because William is not just any Gillespie.
He's a William Gillespie, like William Casey,
or Joe Futrelle.

And, if I could get a credit card in any William Gillespie's name
it would be in the name of William K. Gillespie --
but also in the name of God!

I'd charge a lot of corporate goods and services on that card.
(It would be a platnin' Master Card.)
And, I'd destroy the lawnmowers and send the unicycles to Christ --
if I could get a credit card in anybody's name I wanted.

But, most of all, if I could get a credit card in anybody's name
I wanted, I'd buy back Manhattan for the Native Americans,
and I'd buy the United States of America on credit
and push all the people even further westward, into the Pacific Ocean.

Then, I'd thank William K. Gillespie for the use of his name,
and I'd pay back every red cent with interest because I love everybody
just on the principle of it, even if they drop bombs and build weapons
of mass destruction and are generally stupid and rich because of it.

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