[Newspoetry] more stuff

Anne Bargar babs at prairienet.org
Mon Jan 1 17:21:47 CST 2001

New For The Dubya Administration!

Do you have problems communicating verbally?  Does the prospect of
answering even the simplest question leave you brain-tied?  Then maybe you
should try Gramm-CoUs latest innovative product: Interlocking Sentence
Fragments.  Inspired by George W. Bush's communication problems, these
fragments are color-coded so that even the least verbal among us can keep
the parts of a sentence straight, allowing for easy and confident usage.
Interlocking Sentence Fragments can help ease any awkward social
situation.  They are perfect for interviews, presidential debates,
question and answer sessions, press conferences, blind dates, and family
gatherings with the in-laws.

Starting at just $239.95, Interlocking Sentence Fragments come in three
styles to fit any budget: Basic Magnet (comes with attractive metal
board), Battery-Operated (has a snazzy digital display), and Removable
Brain Implant (also comes with attractive metal board).  And for a mere
$49.95 more, you can upgrade to our deluxe model, which includes three
tiny elves that will arrange sentences and ideas for you.  All three
styles come with a full-color illustrated instruction booklet, 300
sentence fragments, and an eye-catching carrying case.  Deluxe model comes
with stylish elf house and a one-year supply of elf treats.
Why wait?  Get your Interlocking Sentence Fragment set today! 

Brought to you by Gramm-Co Products, INC.  Not responsible for problems
resulting from improper usage. 

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