[Newspoetry] not too late, I hope . . .

Rob Wittig wit at tank20.com
Wed Jan 10 16:45:57 CST 2001

Oh, and here's my contribution

to the recent flame war

*slow burn in front of the monitor*


*slow burn gaining momentum*


*spits at monitor*


*turns red*

*grabs coffee cup and hurls it across room breaking left channel stereo
speaker and scaring cat who gnaowls and leaves the room*

*more curses*


*hurls keyboard into kitchen with a clatter*

*repeats the word 'stupid' 18 times*

*more curses*

*mimes shooting  his monitor*

*kicks desk*

*storms out front door*

*slams front door unsatisfactorily*

*searches pockets for keys*

*slams door again, much louder this time*

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