[Newspoetry] "OR-ELSE..." what?

Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Wed Jan 17 12:38:20 CST 2001

"OR-ELSE..." What?

[Inspired by the round "Prices Rise," as found in the I. W. W.'s <Songs of
the Workers,> and by a discussion at a recent panel presentation entitled
"United We Stand?" on racial "fault lines" (a.k.a. racism) in the 2000

A strong coalition of hard-workin' workers, women, and folks of color walk
into the offices of the Democratic Party one day and say, "Look, we vote
for you all faithfully, check out the numbers.  We ARE your constituency.
Now, it's payback time.  We want some legislation on clean air, child
care, good schools, welfare, equal opportunity, and a livable minimum
wage this time 'round...OR ELSE!"

The Democratic Party leans back in its cushy leather chair and sings this
song (to the tune of "Three Blind Mice"):

'OR-ELSE...' what?
'OR-ELSE...' what?
What-cha gonna do?
What-cha gonna do?
It's us 'OR-ELSE' it's the Republi-kins.
Stay home from the polls, the Repulican wins.
The two of us act just like Siamese twins,
So 'OR-ELSE...' what?

'OR-ELSE...' what?
'OR-ELSE...' what?
Where ya gonna turn?
When ya gonna learn
That corp'rate corruption has skewered us through,
And third parties fail, and whatever you do,
The deck of democracy's stacked against YOU?!
So 'OR-ELSE...' what?

Several Party members join in, of course, making it a round.

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