[Newspoetry] APB

Anne Bargar babs at prairienet.org
Wed Jan 31 19:26:44 CST 2001

here's my contribution.  hey, did we ever get that free beer that we were
promised last year?  I don't remember....


Dear Economy,
	Hi.  I'm writing to you because I hear that things aren't going so
well.  I hear that you're starting to slow down, and that consumer
confidence is at a 4-year low.  There was a time when I would be sending
you my condolences, but I feel so disgusted with your arrogance that I
feel compelled to give you a good talking-to.  This unparalleled growth
spurt and its effects have made you unreachable and as your friend, this
concerns me.  
	Look, I don't know if you noticed, but a lot of people lost their
jobs to spur you on.  
Oh sure, they found other ones, but those new jobs didn't pay nearly what
the old ones did.  And for those who didn't get "downsized," who can blame
them for not wanting to part with their hard-earned cash when they aren't
sure if they're going to have it in the future?  Consumer confidence
reflects how stable people feel, and if they don't feel very stable in
those service-sector jobs, they aren't going to be spending.  You
shouldn't be whining about this, bucko.  You should be doing something to
reassure people that they're still going to have that house or that job
next week, next year, whenever.  People work too hard to be jerked around.
And don't you realize that a certain percentage of people are kept
unemployed because it's said to benefit you?  Haven't you ever noticed
this and wondered if it's really necessary?
	I think that it all has to do with that shady Greenspan character
you've been seen with.  He's been providing you with so many stimulants
that you've become an addict.  Not only is this bad for your health, but
it's bad for everyone else's, too.  Think about it, Economy.  You're being
stimulated with people's retirement accounts.  Now tell me this; do you
think that it's fair for someone who just wants to retire after 40 years
at the post office to find out that their pension has dwindled, and they
can't retire for a couple more years?  You're being stimulated with
gentrification, with plant closings and "outsourcing."  You're being
stimulated on the backs of the poor, the working class, the middle
class-anyone outside of the Fortune 500.  Do you really think this is
fair? Or are you so hopped up on interest rates that you can't think of
anyone but yourself?
	And now there's these looming tax cuts.  Come on, Economy!  This
isn't going to help anybody except Greenspan and his buddies.  They're
going to benefit, but what about everyone else?  That little pimp and his
cohorts are going to reap the rewards while the rest of us worry about job
security for years to come.  And you're going to go along with those
sleazy, slimy finks until you either wake up or hit bottom.  Of course, if
that happens, you'll take all of us with you.  Do you want that on your
conscience?  Just whose ass is your head up, anyway?  Oh, right, it's up
Greenspan's.  God, you've become such an arrogant bastard!
	I wish I could still tell you things like how Harvey and the twins
are doing, but I don't think you care any more.  You're too intoxicated on
stimulants, tax cuts, and interest rates to care about anyone but
yourself, and maybe the people who are keeping you jacked up. You could
certainly use a reality check, but it's painfully clear that you aren't
listening to anyone outside of the Federal Reserve anymore.  You've been
like this for at least eight years now, although you've been ignoring
everyone except the wealthiest percents of the population for far longer
than that.  Hell, why am I wasting my breath on a selfish craphound like
you?  Just don't come crying to me when it's all over.


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