[Newspoetry] My first submission

Sandra Ahten spiritofsandra at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 23 00:36:22 CDT 2001

Here is a newspoetry submission from Sandra Ahten.

I'll try to email you a photo o' myself .

Is this all you need? 


HOUSTON (Reuters) - A 36-year-old woman suffering from postpartum depression confessed to killing her five children in their Houston home on Wednesday and was expected to face charges that could bring the death penalty, police said.

"Rest assured," said John Cannon, Houston Police Department spokesman, "it is going to be carried as a capitol murder case." In Texas capital murder carries a maximum penalty of death by lethal injection.

Rest assured, John

I will sleep better tonight

Oh, yes, thanks for assuring me 

that putting this poor woman to death 

is going to function as a deterrent

to other psychotic women

who might

in their severe delusional state

find themselves contemplating 



Rest assured, John

That I am breathing easier already

knowing that the souls of these


will rest easier 

because their death is being aveanged

with the execution


their mother

In their name, John

In their name

Oh a big sigh of relief, John

with the knowledge that their father

will spend every cent 

that he has

mortage the house

and still

because he lives in the great state of Texas

in the home of the brave

get to see 

his own state injecting

poison into the vein of his wife





Rest assured, John

I am comforted to know

that tax dollars will be spent in the

pursuit of justice

the relentless

pursuit of justice

I'm resting now, John

I'm feeling much better already, John

Sweet Dreams, John

Sleep well

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