[Newspoetry] breaking news

ben emerick bemerick at anacroatan.org
Sun Nov 11 20:38:33 CST 2001

breaking news:  us school bombs grammar

western hemisphere institute for security cooperation (whisc)

i mean what the hell is that?  an adjective?  did someone forget a connective
or something?  despite official claims that no other name could provide a 
sufficiently vague self-description while preserving the onomatopoeitic pun 
self-describing the school's resurrection, a classified napkin has been leaked 
onto our wire, showing that military officials knew alternative names,
grammatically correct, and yet they decided upon a name which flaunts the very 
linguistic standards by which we live.  here are some of its contents:

whisque: western hemisphere institutionalized query uniformly evaluates 
whssck: western hemisphere school for special countries kiosk
wiske: we isn't slavin' kid emigrants.
whisc: westerly hemispheric institute for securely cooperating

at the top of the napkin, scratched thru by several pen marks was the line:
soarofl: 's over already? rofl!


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