[Newspoetry] new poem, this time

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Thu Dec 5 01:54:32 CST 2002

Inspectors Gadget and Gotcha

In the land of Gad and Goshen
inspectors gadabout a great town
looking to destroy mass weapons
when and where they find them.

They pull down strong walls,
hoping to find hidden rooms;
they dig up dusty graveyards,
in case caskets could turn over
in their graves into weapons
of new bio-bipedal-terrorism;
they scrape cobwebbed halls
looking for traces of motion.

Their hands seek each other,
failing to clasp in a handshake,
and find nothing agrees to them,
to their prodding and prying,
probing and spying WMD search.

Someone alert should mention
the Tale of Hunting the Snarks,
how this task assigned to them
may not be fulfilled successfully
because the Snarks do not exist.

And, they, too, wring their hands,
like Pilate, perhaps, to explain
how innocent people may die
for the good of the great empire:
personal guilt does not matter
when empire's reputation is bet,
wrongly, by the imperial agents.

The Imperial Clown of Potomac
has decreed "Guilt shall be found,
even if we have to make it up --
a crowned Clown can do no wrong"
when speaking, extra cathedrally,
to His Nation for the sake of power.

"If we find weapons, we bomb them;
If we find no weapons, they hid them --
we shall have to bomb those deceivers
for their obvious non-compliances."
The statements announce unconditionals
for a state of war was meant to fall
on them for their being insolent there,
by being there at all, where our oil is.

Inspectors Gadget and Gotcha
are Heralds of the time of war:
Dark Angels sent out to announce
that no repentance is desired,
as no redemption is possible,
that death and destruction come
on the wings of an evil morning
when Ol '666 gets up to roll out
his warbirds for his warhawks:
on pigeons and doves they feed.

It'd be a strange world council,
indeed, were no weapons found,
that called these delusional accusers
criminally insane, dangerously mad,
and demanded Bush and Blair submit
to UN psychiatric inspection teams --
and also indicted, on same suspicion,
madnesses in self-sustaining legislatures
which show no rational perceptions
of vast gulfs between fears and realities,
nor sought to know which was which,
whenever political lives were at stake.

Thanks for listening,
Donald L Emerick

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