[Newspoetry] The Odds on Theoidiocy

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Wed Dec 18 13:14:42 CST 2002

The Odds on Theoidiocy
(for my leibnitzian friends)

I sing a book of books
beaucoup books
coo-coo books
boo-hoo books
who boo hobo books
written in the gutters
by raging gutter-snipes
hautboy and girl books
daughters and sons of beeches
who are genitive killers of trees,
Webster: book springs of beech,
and Webster is boo.king books,
coo.king books ingredientially.

The Book of Books says:
"Eat God" is "theophagy"
as one communes with god
by eating him and his word,
devouring every last bit of flesh,
drinking his blood and licking his spittle,
licking the greasy platter clean,
kissing his ass good-bye
so may God-be-with-y'all
longer than you are you.

I excoriate here "Theo" terms
by listing them, sans prejudice
but for a bias for alpha-male-ordered-brides:

theo, theobroma, theobroma oil, theobromine,
theocentric, theocentricity, theocentrism,
theocracy, theocrasia , theokrasia,
theocrasies, theocrasias,
theocrat, theocrates, theocratic, theocratically,
theocritean, theocritan, theocritic, theocriticism,
theodemocracy, theodicean, theodiocy,
theodolite, theodolitic, theodore,
theodosian[, Theodosius], theodotian[, Theodotus],
theody, theogonic, theogonist, theogony,
theolatry,  theologaster, theologate, theologer,
theologician, theologic, theological, theologically,
theological virtue, theologico-,
theologism, theologist, theologize,
theologoumenon, theologumenon, 
theologoumena, theologumena,
theologue, theolog, theology,
theomachist,  theomachy,
theomancy, theomania, theomaniac,
theomonism, theomorphic,  theomorphism,
theonomous, theonomously, theonomy,
theopantism, theopaschite, 
theopathetic, theopathic, theopathy,
theophagous, theophagic, theophagy,
theophanic, theophanous, theophany,
theophilanthropic, theophilanthropism,
theophilanthropist, theophilanthropy,
theophobia, theophoric,
theophrastaceae, theophrastaceous,
theophrastian[, Theophrastus],
theophylline, theophylline ethylenediamine,
theopneust, theopneustic,
theor, theorbist, theorbo, theorem,
theorematic, theorematically,
theorem of pythagoras, theoretic, theoretics,
theoretical, theoretically,  theoretical reason,
theoretician, theoretico-, theoretic virtue,
theoric, theorique, theorical, theorically,
theorician, theorist, theorization, theorize, theorizer,
theory, theory of epigenesis, theory of exchange,
theory of games, theory of internal relations,
theory of numbers, theory of signs, theory of types,
theosoph, theosopher, theosophic, theosophical,
theosophically, theosophism, theosophist,
theosophistic, theosophistically, theosophize,
theosophy, theotokion, theotokia, theow ...

so says Webster Third New International (1976),
which supplements itself by saying, forwardly,
nothing new in its supplement for such spellings,
though, just before where new theo- words fall,
if they had been found, we do find (suggestively):
theater of the absurd and theme park,
which I have begun to illustrate above
by illuminating areas where darkness stands
to rule out of order the light defining darkness.

<<I apologize for entering no meanings, here.>>

Just because a word doesn't happen in a list
does not mean that it is not out there waiting,
lurking around for a moment to spring on you,
as theoidiots have been doing unto us forever.

Thanks for listening,
if you could have listened,
only if you could have listened,
if only you could have listened,
if you only could have listened,
if you could only have listened,
if you could have only listened,
if you could have listened only,
when a letter falls someplace,
even when it is never sensed,
even as nonsense, and so on.
Donald L Emerick
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