[Newspoetry] Re: 20-02-2002: a palindrome revealed (Donald L Emerick)

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Thu Feb 21 09:50:22 CST 2002

New York Times, OpEd, 20-02-2002

When Guilt Is Beyond Understanding 
Mentally retarded people are often unable
to understand basic legal concepts and
therefore lack sufficient culpability
to warrant the use of the death penalty.

Palendromic Dates, Setad ci mord n elap

Don't get me wrong -- because I despise death
As nothing plays against the rasping sighs, 
In respirations of every breath,
To roam over green grass under blue skies.

There could be no warrant for being dead
Even if things oddly happen that way.
And also no warrant for making dead,
Oddly or not, but cruel any day.

The odd logic of competent being.
I could not murder you, were you a rock
Or, some say, as cow or sheep, unseeing:
There is no knowing when there is no clock.

Murder happens only through rhythmic sense
Depending on some pendulum swingings.
Murder happens as few moments condense
Into singularities of stringings.

"I murder you" needs you to be awake,
Aware of what happens as fatal end,
To know how rare is the odd life I take
To throw away, like dust blown on the wind.

Were I not to know that you were aware --
I could not balance my murder action
As if it were some Newtonian there,
Balance psycho-physics as reaction.

All books must balance: Law's accounting
For all against all, war for war, brings peace.
Odd logic should be stranger, surmounting
Balance, as time and reason find decease.

pale n drom ic dates, setadcimordnelaP

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