[Newspoetry] Newspoem

Max Schnuer mschnuer at uni.uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 18 22:03:29 CST 2002

At Any Cost

It's a phrase that vexes me
When I hear it on the radio
Or in the news
Powerful men repeat it constantly
As if their fanaticism wasn't ideological excess
But something to be proud of

Obviously, it's a confusing thing to say
For "any cost" is a great sum, indeed
When you tally up your love and liberty 
(Well, love alone isn't something to put on the line
And liberty may be more valuable than life)
But they don't seem to think so

It's a phrase that I oppose
The epitome of hypocrisy
And of empty phrases and false promises
And a million other worthless things
And so, I say:
How much is any cost, 
When all you need to trade for is peace?


I've never submitted a newspoem before.
Is that alright? 

" President he's got his war
Folks don't know just what it's for
Nobody gives us a rhyme or reason
Have one doubt, they call it treason
We chicken feathers or we're out one nut
Goddamn it, tryin' to make it real- compared to what?"
-Les Mccann

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