[Newspoetry] He who is without sin...

John Newmark john at gavroche.org
Mon Jun 16 00:38:05 CDT 2003


In Entertainment News...Mel Gibson defends a film in production called The
Passion.  Based of course on the New Testament.  Apparently a religious
group obtained an early draft of the script, read it, and complained it was
anti-catholic and anti-semitic.  Of course, they obtained the early draft
illegally...or in other words, violated one of those pesky ten commandments.
I'm sure the ends justified the means.

Gibson says the early draft is not representative of what will be the final
draft, attacked the group for criticizing a film that hasn't even been
finished filming yet, and gave a variation on the "some of my best friends
are Jewish" cliche, and returned to work.   (He didn't mention whether or
not any of his friends were Catholic)

Meanwhile, in the very last paragraph of the news story, it is pretty much
declared that no one will watch the movie, or at least those who do, will
not be able to understand it.  Why?  Because it is being filmed entirely in
Latin and Aramaic, with no subtitles.   That's right....all spoken dialogue
will be in two completely dead languages.   And no subtitles.   So, does it
really matter if the film is anti-anything?


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