[Newspoetry] Inspiration for OverComing:

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Fri Nov 19 09:15:58 CST 2004

Inspiration for OverComing:
Practical realities never die,
they just get buried alive
under distracting cliches.

Resistance makes difference fresh in flesh,
long felt in the body but not articulated,
a nagging headache we suddenly perceive,
a sore muscle we had not noticed
because we were plainly distracted,
or focussed upon something else.

Distraction is that kind of difference, too.
We don't see that we are distracted
until we become undistracted,
focussed upon something else,
itself, too, quite regressively,
a distraction from a distraction ...

So iterative, recursive is distraction --
all too distractingly so,
the more we think on it,
the more we return ot it,
gnaw its petrifying bones,
already picked clean,
stripped of nourishment --
that one forgets progress.

Dwelling in the past
to learn its terrors,
to practice against its errors,
leads to convening wisdom speech,
all too true, all too often
inapplicable to anything else.

Distracting is all we ever do
when bodies do minds oppose,
or minds on bodies compose,
but they best work, head to toes,
walking and talking, at once,
about a journey as it goes.

Yes, the election past us by,
as a values war in every way.
Every one had their moral values
rubbed and massaged, glowing hot,
and believed so truly in causes,
only some of which would prevail,
that despair would come for many,
no matter who had won the race,
as if those values had failed
in some unpopularity contest.

True Values store more value
in their own significant truth
than what any contest decides,
itself being circumstantial,
temporal, a passing matter,
important but never critical
to truth's triumphal demonstrations
which ever have to be remade,
recast, above the distractions,
living flesh freshens every mind.

OverComing deserts the past,
whose distractings can become us,
or we can become undistracted,
overcoming something else,
some distraction coming into view,
across new frontiers uncrossed,
over-reaching receding horizons.

If you do not aim to go somewhere,
you'll never get anywhere --
and if you do not go -- yes, go now,
you'll never be on your way
in time to be distracted
when your need to be distracted,
is wisely, sanely commended.

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