[Newspoetry] sex and the city and the desperate gop...

DL Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Tue May 3 10:35:58 CDT 2005

Pleasantville made flesh?


don.emerick - 11:22 AM ET May 3, 2005 (#646)

Can you say Potemkin is as Potemkin does?
Tierney notes, via Laura Bush, what we all have known about the image of GW Bush all along. 

It is entirely a fabrication, a cardboard president, a persona created for the media to portray as the person that GW (his image managers) fervently desire you to believe is there. 

A stone idol would have as much reality to it as the media image the Bush team has carefully constructed for public consumption over the last decade or so. 

It was a beautiful and professional job -- as effective as a Disney landscaping job in a theme park -- and having as much reality to it.

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