[Newspoetry] Let the prices rise and make the markets happy

DL Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Mon Oct 3 18:06:54 CDT 2005

High Oil Prices Met with Anger Worldwide
Rising fuel prices are stoking popular anger around the World, throwing politicians on the defensive and forcing governments to resort to price freezes, tax cuts and other measures to soothe voter resentment.

NewsPoetic Veridicality?
High oil proces met with joy worldwide.
Rising fuel prices are spiraling into a tsunami of popularity never before seen in public opinion polls.  The public is thrilled that the capitalist freedom is breaking out, world wide, just as President Bush promised, when he said he would lead us to the land of milk and honey, through free markets that can charge any price, especially when the suppliers engage in implicit collusion.

Other politicians are on the defensive about this, because they have nothing to whine about, and big oil won't be bribing them to get new market-protective regulatory legislation.  Said Senator Pork, of Arkansas: Look it's a simple game we've been playing for years, pretending to be lawmakers, but actually just being greedy humans, intent on using our positions for money and power.  The iddea of public interest is more mythical than a unicorn.  But, just look at all those who believe in it, as a normative standard.  Just ridiculous -- but who am I to argue with the deluded?  I'm no psychiatrist.  I'm a politician, I take people as I find 'em and use them to reach my aims.

One of the Senator's constituents, Joe Alfredski, of Little Rock, agreed with the Senator.  He's right, you know.  We prefer the illusion to the reality of things.  A strong enough illusion will leave you unable to do anything about all the things that are bugging you.  And, it's better to live with demons you know, than exorcise them and leave the way open to new demons.  High oil prices make me happy, because when capital is accumulated in ever large piles, some of that wealth is possibly gonna be mine someday, if I discover oil in my back yard.  I think they could put a rig out there -- and I wouldn't have to mow the lawn, no more, either.  And, this is a real good dream of mine, because what with high oil prices, they'll be drilling everywhere, trying to find oil.  So it could happen, I could be an oil millionaire.  (And here, Joe began weeping in happiness... we had to cut the interview off.) 

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