[Newspoetry] Cheerless Leader

DL Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Sun Sep 11 00:23:18 CDT 2005

Divorce and Impeachment

The two causes of action are the same
each involves a breaking of holy vows
a pledge of fidelity to the precious.

Nixon comes to mind as ae man of honor,
trapped in lies, hounds upon his trail,
he resigned and spared the nation grief.

And I have seen anger in the injured eyes
that hunted down Dick Nixon without mercy
for he breached his willing faithful vows.

Clinton too was hunted down for his breach
but it was not of constitutional magnitude
and he escaped the wrath of oath-enforcers.

His wife forgave his blow-job indiscretions,
because it cast a shadow over her ambition,
and so she fled to a separation by office.

Divorce by ugly name is recognizing truth
that something has caused different being
to emerge between the past and the future.

The landscape changes, impeaching divorce.
Bush has failed responsibly to care for us,
Congress should consider desertion grounds.

He has irreconcilable differences with us,
he has abandoned his holy oaths of fidelity,
he has lied to and cheated us unfaithfully.

Oh scoundrel who has no love for the nation,
but only for his own masturbating vanity,
know cheering has stopped, jeering begun.

We jeer at you for your hypocrisy and lies,
we jeer at your sleeping with corrupt whores,
we jeer at your every speech before our nation.

A man who has no honor will not admit defeat.
He will not consent to a peaceable divorce,
he will not confess his sinful wrongdoing.

Oh, lust is ever the culprit of injured oath
the violation happens because man is but man
and willing to break vows when enticed enough.

There is nothing wrong with such vow breaking
except that a man denies and lies of his crime,
and is not willing to suffer the consequences.

But a liar like Bush who has no honor to him
will never concede defeat, for a cheerleader
thinks no wrong is ever done by merest cheer.

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