[Newspoetry] Deeply Disturbing: Bush policy proposes to cancel insurance policy of millions

DL Emerick emerick at rap.midco.net
Thu Feb 23 16:44:29 CST 2006

repeated at
In the event of any fire in your own house,
you are advised to have an escape route planned.
Sound piece of advice, that.
But, do you have a firm alarm, a heat and smoke detector,
an early warning system of the need to act, to escape?
Well, is your house in order?
That seems to be the question.
Here's a measure of entropy:
are you now or have you ever been known
to demonstrate any signs of disorder,
so as the order givers would find inhospitable?
I mean the order-givers are the insurers,
and if they yank your policy, inexplicably or otherwise,
you become one of those uninsured persons,
with no protections, nor any remedies,
and have to bear all of the casualty loss yourself.
We saw vast round-ups in the days of Nixon and LBJ,
of police-riot action squads simply running riot,
of US soldiers shooting down unarmed civilians.
Now, we return you to those thrilling days of yesteryear.
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