[Newspoetry] Unlikely Realities: Talked to Death

DL Emerick emerick at rap.midco.net
Sun Apr 29 12:36:35 CDT 2007

Experts May Have Found What's Bugging the Bees
A fungus that caused widespread loss of bee colonies in Europe and Asia may be
playing a crucial role in the mysterious phenomenon known as Colony Collapse
Disorder that is wiping out bees across the United States, UC San Francisco
researchers said Wednesday.

CCD: Colony Collapse Disorder.

Perhaps a fungus is pathogenic to bees.

This latest scientific finding was not held up by the moral theorists of the
Bush administration, as the colony report is supportive of its hierarchical
model of society -- and it simply wouldn't do to suggest that the offspring of
spin doctors had annoyingly talked the bees to death.

Further research will clarify causations.  I imagine it will probably still
implicate cell phones, but -- perhaps -- not to the extent as would happen
without this latest news.

Still, CCD sounds like the problem of regime decapitation, inverted: all the
workers die of a disease leaving the queen and her inner circles bereft of the
peasant support their massive way of wealth management demands.

An inverted Ann Rand, an inversion of the many lies of THE FOUNTAINHEAD or ATLAS
SHRUGGED.  When the worker population can no longer sustain itself, they die;
when they die, all elites disappear.  On the other hand, when some elite
disappears, a new one always springs up.  Therefore, any elite is like froth in
a mug of beer -- an accident or a mere incident of society -- even if it does
show the color or character of a society, by marking the workers one way for
death, instead of some other way.  Prudent elites sustain people and does not
exploit the masses (too much).

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