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Mon Sep 28 13:31:41 CDT 2009

I'll go along with that
After we've helped the poor and weak
First, let us:
FastTrack an end to hunger
FastTrack no more war
FastTrack a real Living Wage for all workers
FastTrack universal healthcare
FastTrack education for all, as high as one is capable of, for free
FastTrack an end to racism
FastTrack reparations for slavery
FastTrack war crime trials for Kissinger and Sharon
FastTrack windmills, solar cells, green energy
FastTrack smashing the Glass Ceiling
FastTrack family farms, instead of factory farms
FastTrack an end to the Chief
FastTrack clean air and water
FastTrack bike lanes, trolley cars, and passenger trains
FastTrack GMO foods to the dustbin of history
FastTrack sending cops to jail for brutality and lying about it
FastTrack an end to the Drug War
FastTrack food, not bombs
In Colombia, Palestine, Papua New Guinea
And anywhere else corporate domination of markets and governments
Has resulted in pain, suffering, and displacement in the name of
Do all that and more
And we'll give corporations FastTrack
As soon as they've cleaned up their mess

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