[Paper-column] first meeting!

Zoe S. zoespice66 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 18 16:01:34 CST 2003

Hey there,
Our first meeting to discuss a teen written and organized column at The
Paper will be on Monday, January 12th from 4-5 pm at Planned
Parenthood. (302 E. Stoughton, Champaign). We will discuss what we will
cover in the column, and how this core group is going to work. Please
come; this new group needs your input and creativity.

In between now and then, brainstorm some ideas, issues and opinions.
Think about what your interests are and how you would like to

Our mission statement, to get you all thinking, is the following: "To
create and maintain a youth run column to fairly and accurately
represent youth ideas, opinions, and issues in a society where the
above is ignored."

We look forward to seeing all of you there!
Love Zoe G. and Zoe S.

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