[Peace-discuss] Fwd: Fw: moyers 3

Al Kagan akagan at uiuc.edu
Sun Dec 2 11:48:05 CST 2001

While most of us probably won't agree with Moyers about the war, his 
analysis of what is happening in Washington is worth reading.

>Delivered-To: akagan at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
>Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2001 17:07:34 +0200
>From: Warren Day <warren.day at NAU.EDU>
>Subject: Fw: moyers 3
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>	carol wells <cspg at politicalgraphics.org>, capa <csgt at pacbell.net>,
>	bhatty <bhatty at nde.vsnl.net.in>, athanase <biatga at csu.edu>,
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>	alex grant <pitzer at pilgrimplace.org>, phyl <phyllie at iafrica.com>,
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>	roberts <stmarkchur at aol.com>, roemer <rroemer at ucla.edu>,
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>	Sheila K <sheila.k at intnet.mu>, ted <lockted at aol.com>,
>	ted hajjar <thajjar at lausd.k12.ca.us>, turshen <turshen at igc.org>,
>	upvall <michele.upvall at aku.edu>, worthington <LurayHouse at aol.com>,
>	zinzun <mzinzun at pacbell.net>, cat bucher <cat at texoma.net>,
>	al kagan <akagan at uiuc.edu>, henry bucher <hbucher at austinc.edu>
>X-Priority: 3
>Here is a hard-hitting speech by Bill Moyers about the corruption in 
>Washington DC using the Sept 11 attack as cover for plundering 
>Bill Moyers at the Environmental Grantmakers Association Brainerd MN 
>October 16 2001
>We have also been reminded that despite years of scandals and 
>political corruption, despite the stream of stories of personal 
>greed and pirates in Gucci's scamming the treasury, despite the 
>retreat from the public sphere and the turn toward private 
>privilege, despite squalor for the poor and gated communities for 
>the rich, we have been reminded that the great mass of Americans 
>have not yet given up on the idea of 'We, the People.' And they have 
>refused to accept the notion, promoted so diligently by our friends 
>at the Heritage Foundation and by Grover Norquist and his right-wing 
>ilk, that government-the public service- should be shrunk to a size 
>where they can drown it in the bathtub (that's what Norquist said is 
>their goal.) These right-wingers at Heritage and elsewhere, by the 
>way, earlier this year teamed up with the deep-pocket bankers who 
>finance them, to stop the United States from cracking down on 
>terrorist money havens. As TIME Magazine reports, thirty industrial 
>nations were ready to tighten the screws on offshore financial 
>centers whose banks have the potential to hide and often help 
>launder billions of dollars for drug cartels, global crime 
>syndicates -- and groups like Osama bin Laden's Al-Quaeda 
>organization. Not all off-shore money is linked to crime or 
>terrorism; much of it comes from wealthy people who are hiding money 
>to avoid taxation. And right-wingers believe in nothing if not in 
>avoiding taxation. So they and the bankers' lobbyists went to work 
>to stop the American government from participating in the crackdown 
>on dirty money, arguing that closing down tax havens in effect leads 
>to higher taxes on the people trying to hide their money. I am not 
>kidding; it's all on the record. The president of the Heritage 
>Foundation spent an hour, according to the New York Times, with 
>Treasury Secretary O'Neill, and Texas bankers pulled their strings 
>at the White House, and presto, the Bush administration folded and 
>pulled out of the international campaign against tax havens.
>It didn't take long for the wartime opportunists-the mercenaries of 
>Washington, the lobbyists, lawyers, and political fundraisers-to 
>crawl out of their offices on K Street determined to grab what they 
>can for their clients. While in New York we are still attending 
>memorial services for firemen and police, while everywhere 
>Americans' cheeks are still stained with tears, while the President 
>calls for patriotism, prayers and piety, the predators of Washington 
>are up to their old tricks in the pursuit of private plunder at 
>public expense. In the wake of this awful tragedy wrought by 
>terrorism, they are cashing in.
>Would you like to know the memorial they would offer the almost six 
>thousand people who died in the attacks? Or the legacy they would 
>provide the ten thousand children who lost a parent in the horror? 
>How do they propose to fight the long and costly war on terrorism 
>America must now undertake? Why, restore the three-martini 
>lunch-that will surely strike fear in the heart of Osama bin Laden. 
>You think I'm kidding, but bringing back the deductible lunch is one 
>of the proposals on the table in Washington right now. There are 
>members of Congress who believe you should sacrifice in this time of 
>crisis by paying for lobbyists' long lunches. And cut capital gains 
>for the wealthy, naturally-that's America's patriotic duty, too. And 
>while we're at it, don't forget to eliminate the Corporate 
>alternative minimum Tax, enacted fifteen years ago to prevent 
>corporations from taking so many credits and deductions that they 
>owed little if any taxes. But don't just repeal their minimum tax; 
>give those corporations a refund for all the minimum tax they have 
>ever been assessed.
>You look incredulous. But that's taking place in Washington even as 
>we meet here in Brainerd this morning. What else can America do to 
>strike at the terrorists? Why, slip in a special tax break for poor 
>General Electric, and slip inside the Environmental Protection 
>Agency while everyone's distracted and torpedo the recent order to 
>clean the Hudson River of PCBs. Don't worry about NBC, CNBC, or 
>MSNBC reporting it; they're all in the GE family.
>It's time for Churchillian courage, we're told. So how would this 
>crowd assure that future generations will look back and say 'This 
>was their finest hour'? That's easy. Give those coal producers 
>freedom to pollute. And shovel generous tax breaks to those giant 
>energy companies; and open the Alaskan wilderness to drilling-that's 
>something to remember the 11th of September for. And while the red, 
>white and blue wave at half-mast over the land of the free and the 
>home of the brave-why, give the President the power to discard 
>democratic debate and the rule-of-law concerning controversial trade 
>agreements, and set up secret tribunals to run roughshod over local 
>communities trying to protect their environment and their health. 
>It's happening as we meet. It's happening right now.
>If I sound a little bitter about this, I am; the President rightly 
>appeals every day for sacrifice. But to these mercenaries sacrifice 
>is for suckers. So I am bitter, yes, and sad. Our business and 
>political class owes us better than this. After all, it was they who 
>declared class war twenty years ago and it was they who won. They're 
>on top. If ever they were going to put patriotism over profits, if 
>ever they were going to practice the magnanimity of winners, this 
>was the moment. To hide now behind the flag while ripping off a 
>country in crisis fatally - fatally! -separates them from the common 
>course of American life.
>Understandably, in the hours after the attacks many environmental 
>organizations stepped down from aggressively pressing their issues. 
>Greenpeace canceled its 30th anniversary celebration. The Sierra 
>Club stopped all advertising, phone banks and mailing. The 
>Environmental Working Group and the PIRGs postponed a national 
>report on chlorination in drinking water. That was the proper way to 
>observe a period of mourning.
>Furthermore, in work like this you have to read and respect the mood 
>of a country in crisis, or a misspoken word, even a modest misstep, 
>could lose you the public's ear for years to come. But the polluters 
>and their political cronies accepted no such constraints. Just one 
>day after the attack, one day into the maelstrom of horror, loss, 
>and grief, Republican senators called for prompt consideration of 
>the President's proposal to subsidize the country's largest and 
>richest energy companies. While America was mourning they were 
>marauding. One congressman even suggested that eco-terrorists might 
>be behind the attacks. And with that smear he and his kind went on 
>the offensive in Congress, attempting to attach to a defense bill 
>massive subsidies for the oil, coal, gas and nuclear companies. To a 
>defense bill! What a shameless insult to patriotism! What a slander 
>on the sacrifice of our armed forces! To pile corporate welfare 
>totaling billions of dollars onto a defense bill in an emergency 
>like this is repugnant to the nostrils and a scandal against 
>But this is their game. They're counting on your patriotism to 
>distract you from their plunder. They're counting on you to be 
>standing at attention with your hand over your heart, pledging 
>allegiance to the flag, while they pick your pocket!
>Let's face it: they present citizens with no options but to climb 
>back in the ring. We are in what educators call "a teachable 
>moment." And we'll lose it if we roll over and shut up. What's at 
>stake is democracy. Democracy wasn't cancelled on the 11th of 
>September, but democracy won't survive if citizens turn into 
>lemmings. Yes, the President is our Commander-in-chief, and in 
>hunting down and destroying the terrorists who are trying to destroy 
>us, we are "all the President's men" -- as Henry Kissinger put it 
>after the bombing of Cambodia. But we are not the President's 
>minions. If in the name of the war on terrorism President Bush hands 
>the state over to the energy industry, it's every patriot's duty to 
>join the local opposition. Even in war, politics is about who gets 
>what and who doesn't. If the mercenaries in Washington try to 
>exploit the emergency and America's good faith to grab what they 
>wouldn't get through open debate in peace time, the disloyalty will 
>not be in our dissent but in our subservience. The greatest sedition 
>would be our silence.


Al Kagan
African Studies Bibliographer and Professor of Library Administration
Africana Unit, Room 328
University of Illinois Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

tel. 217-333-6519
fax. 217-333-2214
e-mail. akagan at uiuc.edu
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