[Peace-discuss] RAWA Declaration on Int'l Human Rights Day

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Tue Dec 11 11:38:18 CST 2001

Read all the way through the poem at the end.

>Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 08:20:47 +0100
>From: Maria Antonietta Marongiu <mamarong at tiscalinet.it>
>----- Original Message -----
>From: rawa2 at rawa.org
>To: rinakate at yahoo.it
>Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 12:21 AM
>Subject: Declaration of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of
>Afghanistan (RAWA) on the occasion of International Human Rights Day,
>December 10, 2001
>RAWA protest rallies on IHRD in Peshawar and Islamabad (photos, movie clips)
>Declaration of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
>on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2001
>   The "Northern Alliance": The Most Murderous Violators of Human Rights!
>     The medieval Taliban have been shredded to pieces in a few days of
>bombing by United States forces who until a couple of years ago were
>"engaged" with them". This ignominious end is despite all the Taliban's
>nauseating lying and bragging, and the bombastic fatwas of Mullah Omar and
>Osama to carry on their jihad to the very end. This is the result of the
>sheer disgust and revulsion the Taliban were so successful in garnering from
>inside Afghanistan and around the world. The Taliban, like their loathsome
>Golboddini brethren of the Hezb-e-Islami before them, saw so convenient -at
>the end of their shameful careers- to shave off beards and whiskers, throw
>away their turbans, drop their baggy pants, and scatter away like mice for
>dear life. This is the ultimate fate of all executioners in history who
>tyrannise a people under the guise of religion, traditions and ethnicity.
>     Some people in Kabul and elsewhere opine that instead of killing Mullah
>Omar and Mr Osama bin Laden, it would be much worthier and befitting to
>house them in specially made cages until they wither away, and put them up
>for exhibition around the world as an example to all Islamic and non-Islamic
>fundamentalists who nurture fond dreams of building and running
>religio-fascist prison-regimes for entire peoples.
>     The ignominious pulverisation of the illiterate and ignorant Taliban
>should, first and foremost, be an indelible brand of shame on the foreheads
>of their ideologues, of the kind of Messrs. Isshaq Negargar, Dr. Khalilullah
>Hashimian, Nabi Mesdaq et al., who wrote, bawled and howled -to the utmost
>of their capabilities- in defence of the Taliban and what they stood for. If
>these panegyrists and polished agents of the Taliban lack the sense of
>honour to commit suicide or to forego residence in the "infidel and
>decadent" West, they should at least have the decency to give themselves up
>to the counter-terrorism organisations of the United States and Britain in
>order to spell out how and at what level they were associated with the
>perpetrators of the September 11 infamy. In fact, if the western
>anti-terrorism coalition partners had been serious in their
>anti-fundamentalist struggle, they should by now have gathered all these big
>and small "brains" and masterminds of the Taliban an! d the al-Qaeda from
>their sties in different western countries, put them on a plane and
>despatched them to the hideouts of Mullah Omar and Osama to give comfort and
>guidance to their local, Arab and Pakistani heroes in the moment of truth of
>their "jihad against the infidels"!
>     The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan this year
>fervently hoped to be able to celebrate International Human Rights Day
>inside Afghanistan. But the re-emergence of the "Northern Alliance"
>criminals in different parts of our country, dangling as they are from
>American bayonets, crushed all such hopes. The "Northern Alliance" need to
>remember the years 1992 to 1996 when they were in power; when the execrable
>Golbodin Hekmatyar gang (Hezb-i-Islami) turned Kabul to rubble with their
>daily indiscriminate bombardment and rocketing; when the infamous
>Mazari-Khalili gang (Wahdat-i-Islami) were gouging out the eyes of
>non-Hazaras; when the vile Sayyaf gang (Ittehad-i-Islami) were driving
>6-inch nails into the heads of Hazaras and broiling them alive in metal
>containers; when the perfidious Rabbani-Massoud gangs (Jamiat-i-Islami and
>Shorai Nazar) slaughtered the inhabitants of Afshar and other residential
>areas in Kabul and whitewashed the faces of all murderers, ra! pists and
>looters in history in terms of the barbarity and infamy they perpetrated
>against countless innocent and defenceless women, girls and young boys. The
>"Northern Alliance" should know that the bleeding wounds they have inflicted
>upon the people of Afghanistan during all the years of their jihadi rule of
>gore and infamy are too open, too painful, to allow any posturing of
>democratic baptism and conversion to belief in human rights on their part to
>be taken as anything but an added insult to the people who have suffered so
>much at their hands. Such posturing and talk of "democracy" and "women's
>rights" cannot wash away or hide their innate fundamentalist-terrorist
>     Watching the suave, polished, appearance of certain jihadi leaders on
>TV, a still-mourning mother, shrivelled from years of suffering and agony,
>commented: 'I see the blood of my sons on the immaculate suits and ties of
>these "Northern Alliance" leaders.' Such is the gut reaction of the
>overwhelming majority of our grieving people.
>     The people of the world need to know the "Northern Alliance" criminals.
>These are the very people who declared democracy and elections to be
>blasphemous, heretical concepts. These are the very people who immediately,
>upon usurping power after the bursting of the bubble of the puppet Najib
>regime, and prior to any vitally pressing action in regard to the
>restoration of peace and well-being of the scourged people of Afghanistan,
>targeted their pious wrath against women and in a joint declaration of all
>allied jihadi parties proclaimed -amongst other sordid restrictions- the
>compulsory veiling of all women. The people of the world need to know that
>long before the Taliban, it was Mr. Mullah Younis Khalis (a confederate of
>the victorious jihadis) who "executed" the Buddha statutes at Bamiyan by
>firing volleys of artillery against it. The people of the world need to know
>that in terms of widespread raping of girls and women from ages seven to
>seventy, the track record of the Tali! ban can in no way stand up against
>that of these very same "Northern Alliance" associates. The people of the
>world need to know that with their track record of numerous massacres,
>looting national assets and archaeological riches, extorting vast amounts of
>money from defenceless people and perpetrating other crimes and atrocities
>too numerous to list here, the leaders of the "Northern Alliance" only
>deserve to sit in the dock in international tribunals beside other war
>criminals, and not at the helm of a government for Afghanistan.
>     Due to the presence of incorrigible fundamentalists at the talks in Bonn
>-especially the arch-criminal Homayoun Jarir, whose master Golbodin recently
>shifted his allegiance to the Taliban- RAWA from the outset regarded the
>Bonn gathering with mistrust. The composition of the interim government
>which includes jihadi vampires and two women, one of them a leader of the
>mercenary criminal Hezb-i-Wahdat party and the other a known Parchami
>traitor, has proven that very unfortunately the United Nations has failed in
>aiding our people get rid of the rancid remains of the "Northern Alliance"
>hellhounds. The United Nations needs to know that even if all the cabinet
>posts of a government for Afghanistan were to be filled with such women,
>they can never be regarded as emblems of freedom and deliverance from
>oppression for Afghan women.
>     Jihadi leaders in yesteryears solemnly pledged their "honour", swore on
>the Koran in the heart of their holiest of holies -Mecca and Madina- in the
>presence of their Pakistani, Iranian and Arab masters to desist from
>bloodshed (and, of course, broke their pledge before the ink was dry). Do
>the United Nations think that those who are capable of such perfidy would
>honour their signatures on a piece of paper signed in Bonn? Do the United
>Nations not understand that these sold-out warlords will have no scruples in
>once again putting themselves up for sale at a cheap price to old and new
>proxy-seeking powers, and consequently will once again invite the
>interference of their foreign masters if their sordid parochial and personal
>ambitions and interests are fundamentally compromised? These parvenu felons
>have an unquenchable thirst for power and status, irrespective of the price;
>and it is for this reason that they cannot but conspire against each other
>and slit each other's thr! oats. Do the United Nations not understand that
>members of the "Northern Alliance" -who not once but tens of times looted
>convoys of United Nations aid goods, and none other than Mahmoud Mistry, the
>then representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in
>Afghanistan, truthfully called them "bands of bandits"- can never be trusted
>to handle billions of dollars to be given to Afghanistan for reconstruction
>and rehabilitation?
>     RAWA once again serves warning to the United Nations and the world
>community that any delay in despatching UN peace keeping forces to
>Afghanistan will in effect be leaving the way open for inevitable bloodbaths
>and repetition of the unparalleled horrors and atrocities of the 1992-96
>years. The current dog-fighting between Dostum and Hezb-i-Wahdat gangs will
>not remain restricted to Mazar-i-Sharif. If the United Nations is sincerely
>concerned in regard to the independence, unity and democratisation of
>Afghanistan it must under no name or pretext continue its support to the
>"Northern Alliance" and swiftly and unequivocally condemn and punish any
>country which tries to supply funds and arms to these murderers. It will
>only be then that a government devoid of terrorist-fundamentalist
>contamination and based on democratic values can be set up in Afghanistan,
>succeed in restoring peace and stability to this blighted land and address
>the challenge of its rehabilitation in earnest.
>     The mere end of the forced misery and humiliation of the burqa is in no
>way an indication of attainment of women's rights and liberties. The
>Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, as the only feminist
>anti-fundamentalist organisation in Afghanistan, believes that only with the
>establishment of a secular and democratic government in Afghanistan will
>Afghan women be able to unburden the deadweight of centuries of oppression
>and stand their full stature on a par with men.
>     Our devastated motherland, draped in unending mourning, escaped the
>talons of Taliban criminality only to find itself in the dead-end of jihadi
>murderers; a "dead-end" which eludes description and definition, except
>perhaps in the potent and glorious words of Ahmad Shamlu. But RAWA, together
>with the Afghan people who bore it, will never desist from struggling to
>break out of this "dead-end":
>       In This Deadend
>       They smell your breath.
>       You better not have said, "I love you."
>       They smell your heart.
>       These are strange times, darling...
>       And they flog
>       love
>       at the roadblock.
>       We had better hide love in the closet...
>       In this crooked dead end and twisting chill,
>       they feed the fire
>       with the kindling of song and poetry.
>       Do not risk a thought.
>       These are strange times, darling...
>       He who knocks on the door at midnight
>       has come to kill the light.
>       We had better hide light in the closet...
>       Those there are butchers
>       stationed at the crossroads
>       with bloody clubs and cleavers.
>       These are strange times, darling...
>       And they excise smiles from lips
>       and songs from mouths.
>       We had better hide joy in the closet...
>       Canaries barbecued
>       on a fire of lilies and jasmine,
>       these are strange times, darling...
>       Satan drunk with victory
>       sits at our funeral feast.
>       We had better hide God in the closet.
>     Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
>     December 10, 2001
>RAWA's appeal to the UN and World community after the fall of Kabul
>RAWA statement on the terrorist attacks in the US
>RAWA statement on the US strikes on Afghanistan
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