[Peace-discuss] Fwd: [SRRTAC-L:7845] Confused re CHAVEZ COMEBACK in Venezuela?

Al Kagan akagan at uiuc.edu
Mon Apr 15 09:43:04 CDT 2002

>Delivered-To: akagan at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:48:56 -0400
>To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l at ala.org>
>From: Mark Rosenzweig <iskra at earthlink.net>
>Subject: [SRRTAC-L:7845] Confused re CHAVEZ COMEBACK in Venezuela?
>Reply-To: srrtac-l at ala.org
>Sender: owner-srrtac-l at ala.org
>Front-line librarians, confused by the coup in Venezuela about which 
>they may have had many (unanswerable) questions, should consider 
>this "alternative" article, not likely to be picked up in a casual 
>search of the usual indexes or with your favorite search engines..
>Also, check out the appeal from the source "Emporors New Clothes" 
>which follows the article. They have a tale to tell and a righteous 
>plea for support to make...
>Mark R.
>>By D. Baatar, Jared Israel, Nestor Gorojovsky & Nico Varkevisser
>>[Posted 14 April 2002]
>>To paraphrase an old proverb: "Celebrate in haste; repent at leisure."
>>On September 13th the New York Times rushed to gloat that one more 
>>opponent of the US Empire had been crushed.
>>Never you mind that Venezuelan President Hugo Ch·vez had been 
>>elected by overwhelming popular vote. (In contrast, might we note, 
>>to George Walker Bush.)
>>An editorial in the Times described the Venezuelan military/big 
>>business coup d'Ètat as an effort to reassert democracy:
>>"Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be 
>>dictator...[because] the military intervened and handed power to a 
>>respected business leader." - N Y Times (1)
>>And the Times added:
>>"But democracy has not yet been restored, and won't be until a new 
>>president is elected." (1)
>>In the bad old Cold War days, the US Establishment used to attack 
>>its opponents for not holding multiparty elections.
>>Well, Venezuela did hold multiparty elections and Ch·vez won by a 
>>landslide. But this was not sufficient.
>>In the New World Order, democracy is not defined any longer as 
>>holding elections. Democracy is defined as supporting US polices. 
>>No matter how many elections Ch·vez won by how many landslides, his 
>>resistance to US Diktat made him by definition antidemocratic, that 
>>is, "a would-be dictator."
>>Thus when the military took over Venezuela three days ago and 
>>installed a pro-Washington big business leader as President, the 
>>Times did not describe this military coup d'Ètat as a threat to 
>>democracy. Rather, they described it as *ending* a threat to 
>>Similarly, in the past, NY Times editorials have immediately 
>>applauded coup d'Ètats in Yugoslavia (overthrowing elected 
>>President Slobodan Milosevic) and the Philippines (overthrowing 
>>elected President Joseph Estrada).
>>But this time the Times gloated a bit too soon.
>>Since the New World Order has re-defined democracy as subservience 
>>to US diktat, it is only fair that the democratic content of every 
>>event should be given a rating by the US government.
>>Thus it is by no means surprising that the US State Department 
>>issued a Press Statement rating the democratic content of the 
>>Venezuelan coup d'Ètat.
>>The only problem is, the State Department, like the New York Times, 
>>published a bit too soon.
>>Within hours of the coup, a State Department Press Statement 
>>declared unqualified support for the coup. This document praised 
>>the military, which had just seized power, for acting with 
>>"restraint" and blamed Hugo Ch·vez for the coup d'Ètat because 
>>under his government:
>>"essential elements of democracy...have been weakened in recent months."
>>- State Dep't Statement (2)
>>To what "essential elements of democracy" might State be referring? 
>>They didn't say, but all the newspapers have pointed out that the 
>>big dispute in Venezuela has been over the State-owned oil company.
>>Venezuelan President Ch·vez had weakened "essential elements of 
>>democracy" by appointing as leaders of the state-owned oil company 
>>people that were (horrors!) loyal to his administration rather than 
>>to Chevron Oil and, perhaps even worse, by selling oil to Cuba at 
>>an affordable price.
>>Ch·vez must not have been aware that that willingness to strangle 
>>Cuba is a crucial component of the New World Order's definition of 
>>The State Department declaration repeated the common media line, 
>>without introducing a shred of evidence, that:
>>"Ch·vez supporters, on orders, fired on unarmed, peaceful 
>>protestors, resulting in more than 100 wounded or killed." (2)
>>"The results of these provocations are: Ch·vez resigned the 
>>presidency. Before resigning, he dismissed the Vice President and 
>>the Cabinet. A transition civilian government has promised early 
>>elections." (2)
>>So let's get this right.
>>First, Ch·vez ordered his supporters to kill a few opponents. This 
>>could hardly have been expected to disperse a large demonstration 
>>which had been called by leading TV stations and part of the 
>>military. But it could certainly have been expected to assist 
>>military leaders who were openly looking for - or trying to 
>>manufacture - an excuse to stage a coup d'Ètat.
>>Having provided this excuse by murdering said opponents Ch·vez then 
>>switched character and acted with remorse by firing himself and 
>>everyone else who was (we are told) involved. This Ch·vez is very 
>>mercurial, no?
>>We can now state with certainty that a) Ch·vez never resigned; b) 
>>he never dismissed his vice president and cabinet. In other words, 
>>the State Department, confident that Ch·vez had been silenced for 
>>good, was lying.
>>But why?
>>Because they wanted the military takeover to appear as a "Change of 
>>Government" (which, by the way is the title of the State Department 
>>declaration) rather than what it was: a US instigated military coup 
>>To allow this, it was necessary that before departing the scene 
>>Ch·vez should dismiss every single top government official, and 
>>then himself.
>>Mind you, it would have been entirely unacceptable for Ch·vez to 
>>begin by firing himself. Once he dismissed himself he would no 
>>longer have had the authority to dismiss the vice president and all 
>>cabinet members. This would have violated prescribed State 
>>Department procedures, making it undemocratic.
>>Since we know for sure that the State Department was lying through 
>>its teeth when it claimed Ch·vez had resigned and fired everyone, 
>>isn't it reasonable to believe they were also lying through their 
>>teeth when they claimed he ordered supporters to shoot some 
>>Keep in mind that shooting opponents was an act which (like 
>>dismissing his government) could only have helped his opponents by 
>>giving them a seeming justification for the coup d'Ètat which had 
>>been openly called for by some military officers, appearing on 
>>"opposition" TV stations.
>>Even as the Mighty and their Media congratulated themselves on the 
>>"democratic" coup and admired this reassertion of their 
>>invincibility, another voice was heard.
>>The wretched of this earth, residents of the slums of Caracas, 
>>whose suffering is the ugly secret of the glossy US Empire, came in 
>>their thousands, in from the countryside, down from the hills 
>>around Caracas, and with loyalist soldiers they took Venezuela back 
>>from the hands of what the CIA boys like to call "Civil society," 
>>and all we can say is this is how the current worldwide empire of 
>>lies will end: by just such actions of the ordinary, wonderful, 
>>decent people of this world, God bless them.
>>1) The New York Times April 13, 2002, Saturday, Late Edition - 
>>Final Section A; Page 16; Column 1; Editorial Desk "Hugo Ch·vez 
>>2) Press Statement Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman Washington, 
>>DC April 12, 2002 "Venezuela: Change of Government" 
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>>Another Website was not so lucky. Www.sprksa-mreza.com is a vast 
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>>contributed articles and shared their knowledge with Emperor's 
>>Clothes. Srpska-mreza had posted several articles exposing ITN 
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>>www.Srpska-mreza.com this past weekend.
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>>home page thus giving ITN nothing to attack. And perhaps this would 
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Al Kagan
African Studies Bibliographer and Professor of Library Administration
Africana Unit, Room 328
University of Illinois Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

tel. 217-333-6519
fax. 217-333-2214
e-mail. akagan at uiuc.edu

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