[Peace-discuss] Ramsey Clark Delegation Tours U.S. Iraqi Bombing Site

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 29 14:39:47 CDT 2002

> >
> >
> >Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and a delegation from
> >International ANSWER--the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism
> >coalition--arrived in the Iraqi city of Basra Aug. 27. Two days earlier
> >a U.S. bombing raid there killed eight Iraqi civilians. The delegation
> >toured the site of the bombing, met with families of those killed and
> >visited a wounded victim in a local hospital.
> >
> >U.S. and British aerial attacks have continued almost daily since the
> >Gulf War 11 years ago, though this is rarely reported in the U.S.
> >corporate media.
> >The delegation's aim is to gather information on the continuing impact
> >of U.S.-led United Nations sanctions, which have claimed over 1 million
> >lives, and to show solidarity with the Iraqi people as they prepare for
> >a threatened U.S. war and invasion. Clark is the founder and chairperson
> >of the International Action Center (IAC), which has campaigned against
> >the devastating economic sanctions for more than a decade.
> >
> >Other delegates include Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, co-founder of the
> >Partnership for Civil Justice; Johnnie Stevens, co- director of Peoples
> >Video Network; Kadouri al-Kaysi, coordinator of the Committee in
> >Solidarity with the Iraqi People; and Brian Becker, co-director of the
> >IAC.
> >
> >In a statement released by the IAC Aug. 28, Clark said: "We came to
> >Basra to visit the hospitals and interview doctors and patients about
> >the state of health care in Basra. We had planned to come here because
> >the region is suffering stunning cancer rates. This area was the site of
> >the greatest use of depleted uranium weapons by U.S. forces in the Gulf
> >War.
> >
> >"Two days before we arrived in Basra," Clark continued, "U.S. war planes
> >struck again, killing and wounding more than 20 people. We visited one
> >of the wounded at the Basra Training Hospital and interviewed workers in
> >the area who saw and heard the gigantic explosion the morning of Aug.
> >25.
> >
> >"While we were in Basra, U.S. war planes carried out two more major
> >bombing attacks against the airport in Mosul and against civil and
> >service installations in Al-Nukhayb, located south of Baghdad," he
> >added. The ANSWER delegates were scheduled to inspect the Mosul airport
> >Aug. 29.
> >
> >They are also visiting food distribution centers and hospitals and
> >meeting with high government officials.
> >
> >
> >Xinhua News Agency reported that Clark met with Iraqi Deputy Prime
> >Minister Tariq Aziz Aug. 26. He saluted the "steadfastness and
> >resistance of the Iraqi people" and voiced his support for Iraq's
> >resistance to President George
> >W. Bush's invasion plans. Bush's threats constitute war crimes and
> >crimes against peace under international law.
> >
> >On Aug. 27, Clark appeared live on Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now!"
> >program. The former attorney general debated a Pentagon spokesperson,
> >Lt. Col. David Lapan. Readers can listen to the debate on the Web by
> >going to www.webactive.com/pacifica/demnow/.
> >
> >The Iraqi News Agency reported Aug. 28 that the ANSWER delegates met
> >with Minister of Health Dr. Omeed Midhat Mubarak in Baghdad. He
> >explained that the sanctions and daily bombings continue to impose high
> >rates of disease, death and environmental destruction on the Iraqi
> >people.
> >
> >Mubarak added that the U.S. government still pressures the UN Security
> >Council to enforce measures restricting the import of basic medicines
> >and medical equipment.
> >
> >In his Aug. 28 statement, Clark said: "People in the United States must
> >recognize that the war against Iraq goes on every day as the Bush
> >administration prepares for a major ground war. ... Bombing and
> >sanctions constitute an integrated strategy designed to overthrow the
> >Iraqi government and replace it with a proxy regime similar to what now
> >exists in Afghanistan.
> >
> >"The U.S. government falsely declares that its campaign against Iraq is
> >motivated by a concern over Iraq's potential possession of
> >non-conventional weapons. But the real goal is to dominate the strategic
> >and oil-rich region and to destroy any government and people that desire
> >to maintain their independence.
> >
> >"It is urgent that this country be allowed to trade, buy and sell all
> >the products necessary to sustain and improve life," Clark continued.
> >"The U.S. government is guilty of violating the basic tenets of
> >international law as it wages aggression against Iraq. We urge all
> >progressive people in the U.S. and elsewhere to take immediate action to
> >end the criminal campaign against Iraq."
> >
> >Updated reports from the delegation can be found on the Web site:
> >www.iacenter.org.
> >
> >
> >--Greg Butterfield
> >
> >                          - END -
> >

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