[Peace-discuss] 9/11 direct action plans

Lisa Chason jnp at ux6.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 28 21:55:04 CDT 2002

July 28

The direct action working group met after this evening's AWARE meeting. In
attendance were Sharon Coeurvie, Sandra Ahten, Susan Parenti, Rob Scott,
Ricky Baldwin, Indigo, Robert Dunn, Michael Walcher and Lisa Chason (sorry
if I've left anyone out).
We further developed our ideas since the last meeting and came up with the
On Wednesday, September 11, we will organize a Peace Picnic and Parade that
will start around 11:30/noon at the main quad of the university (potluck
picnic/program with speakers/opportunity to make banners). Around 12:45 we
will start a march through the engineering quad to the FBI office in
Champaign (located in the old train station -- around a half-hour walk). The
march will pick up people as it proceeds, growing in strength by the time it
reaches the final destination. We still have to work out the program that
will take place there. This may include mourning the loss of civil rights;
carrying placards of enlarged photos of public figures who have been
investigated by the FBI (Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, Helen Keller,
Daniel Schorr, older blacklisted actors, Warren Beatty, etc.); a photo from
Waco, Texas, in flames, with the caption 'brought to you by the FBI'; an
action that focuses on the TIPS program (recently enacted program that has
people and workers sign up to turn in 'suspicious' other citizens), not yet
determined; speakers; decorating the building; etc.
To be done: Lisa will call the Campaign and campus police to get information
about obtaining permits,  Rob will speak to Meredith about setting up on the
quad and about what else needs to be done to carry out a successful march,
others will try out the route and figure out the best directions to take.

Reactions, comments, further ideas welcome.
I was thinking on the way home perhaps we should all dress in black...


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