[Peace-discuss] AWARE Meeting, 10-6-02

Lisa Chason chason at shout.net
Tue Oct 8 10:11:22 CDT 2002

Beth Simpson facilitated the meeting.  During the educational component, Susan Parenti asked each person to introduce themselves and to briefly say how he/she would like our society to become and the steps needed to get there.


Kim Kranich announced that she is organizing a peaceful protest against preemptive strikes against Iraq next Sat., Oct. 12, 2-4 PM at N. Prospect and Marketview Dr.  People participating can bring banners or signs (or use signs already prepared).  They can march along the sidewalk and talk to people stopped in their cars.  If not comfortable talking to people in cars, they can hold a sign.  Handouts listing reasons not to go to war will be provided.  Discussion followed regarding whether AWARE should sponsor Kim's plan or whether another location or format would be more appropriate for a direct action.  The decision was tabled until later in the meeting as one of the items on the agenda was to decide on a direct action in response to Congress's vote next week on Bush's proposed war on Iraq.

Danielle announced that WEFT will air audio bites on reasons against going to war with Iraq at 5:30 PM (Monday, I think.)

News of the Week: Carl Estabrook

Events last Week:

A booth ws set up at the Farmer's Market for the past 3 Saturdays, and we will be there until Nov. 9.  People who stopped at our table wrote postcards to our senators and signed a petition against going to war with Iraq.  Fliers were passed out regarding the rally on the Quad on Monday.

Lisa Chason wrote a letter to the editor, thanking Dick Durbi for his position.  It hasn't been printed yet.

Carl Estabrook spoke at several political forums during the week.  He received a positive response on his anti-war platform from his audience.

A Forum on Iraq, with presentations by various U. of I. professors took place last Tues., Oct. 1 at the Levis Faculty Center.  The consensus of  the presenters was that war would not be productive.  Another forum took place on Monday, I believe, but I'm not familiar with the details.

Upcoming Events

There will be a rally on the Quad,  Mon. Oct. 7, noon-1 PM, sponsored by Student Peace Action and cosponsored by AWARE.  The rally is a protest against a possible war against Iraq.  Speakers include Prof. Francis Boyle (introducing the campaign to impeach Bush), Prof. Joseph T. Miller of Vietnam Vets against the War, and Prof. Carl Estabrook.

Teachers for Peace and Justice will start meeting again, starting this Tues., 5-6 PM at the Illinois Program for Research and Humanities on 805 W. Pennsylvania.  The group started on campus after Sept. 11, 2001 and put on programs, panel discussions, etc.

Meet the Candidates Forums will take place at Parkland, Tues., Oct. 8, 6-8 PM and the Sierra Club, Wed., Oct. 9, 7-9 PM (place?).  Carl Estabrook will be at both forums and will speak out against the war.

Deadline to register to vote is this Tues.

Carl Estabrook has yard signs if anyone wold like one.

The Illinois Disciples Foundation will host a speaker from Colombia, Eder Sanchez, on Thurs., Oct. 10 at 7 PM at the IDF.  He will also be at LaCasa on Goodwin from 3:30-4:30 PM the same day.

The Champaign County Health Care Consumers will be meeting at 6 PM on Thurs., Oct. 10 in the Bondurant Room at the Illinois Disciples Foundation.  The group wants to meet with Provena administrators to discuss issues of inadequate health care at Provena, including the firing of nurses who have spoken out.

Discussion of Direct Action

AWARE decided to sponsor the protest demonstration proposed by Kim Kranich as described earlier.  Ricky Baldwin will write a press release.  Meredith Kruse will xerox fliers, which will be distributed at the protest on the Quad Monday and at the Farmer's Market on Saturday.

Direct Action Network of NYC will be touring with a speaker on the Palestinian issue.  AWARE agreed to cosponsor the event, providing space and an audience.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) will be collecting things to send to Iraq.  We agreed to use the weekly AWARE meeting as a drop off place for these items.

Indemedia would like to make a presentation in November in our area.  We agreed to sponsor the presentation, and Karen volunteered to look into the details.

Susan suggested that someone from the finance committee needs to make a report of our financial status at each meeting.  Indigo will contact the finance committee.

Working Groups

The working group on direct action met.  (Perhaps others met, also, but I was unaware of it.)  It was decided to encourage people to go to Washington DC on Oct. 26.  This event is a protest which will include people all over the U.S.  Jeff Sowers is going and agreed to organize transportation for others wishing to go.  Also, we decided to have a direct action every Saturday on Prospect and Marketview.  this should be a very visible place because of shoppers.  Also, people will notice our presence every week, and hopefully others will join us as it becomes known in community.

Peace, Charlotte Green
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