[Peace-discuss] 20 Days Countdown. Can we raise a million today? (fwd)

patton paul ppatton at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 16 19:15:44 CDT 2002

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 16 Oct 2002 19:26:26 -0000
From: "Wes and Eli, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
To: Dr. Paul Patton <ppatton at uiuc.edu>
Subject: 20 Days Countdown.  Can we raise a million today?

Dear MoveOn member,

Our fundraising effort for heroes in Congress has been wildly
successful, with almost $900,000 raised in under 48 hours from
more than 25,000 individual donations.  You folks are amazing.
Let's make it a cool million.  Just go to


Now that the Iraq resolution has passed, we believe we need to
put 100% of our focus on the upcoming election.  The American
people are smarter than politicians and pollsters think.  If
Bush loses Congress through his cynical use of war for election
year politics, this will be a watershed moment.

For each of the next twenty days, until election day itself,
we will highlight a reason to act and a way to act.  If you
don't want to receive these countdown emails, you can
unsubscribe at any time from the MoveOn.org PAC list, using
the link at the bottom of each email.  But we encourage you
to stay tuned and help out where you can.

Firstly, help us compile a list of important reasons to act
in this election -- to donate, to volunteer, to vote.  We've
got to help people get energized -- to give up their
comfortable cynicism and to fight.  We've mounted a reader-rated
discussion group on reasons to act at:


The question of the day:  Why is it crucial to wrest control
of Congress from Bush and the right wing?  Our contribution
for the day is to state the obvious:

    - We cannot let war win elections.

Read and rate this comment online and make your own contribution.

We'll highlight top rated reasons in our coming election
countdown campaign. We're trying to have each comment focus
on just one issue or reason, so it will fit into our countdown
drumbeat. We hope the subject line of each comment will be a
pithy summary of the issue, that will fit well into a top 20 list.

Thanks for everything.  The countdown begins,

-Wes, Eli, Joan, Peter, Doug and Carrie
 for MoveOn.org PAC
 October 16, 2002

                  PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG PAC
This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
our subscription management page and uncheck the
"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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