[Peace-discuss] Fwd: 20 Days Countdown. Can we raise a million today?

Jay Mittenthal mitten at life.uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 17 10:15:17 CDT 2002

>Date: 17 Oct 2002 01:01:05 -0000
>From: "Wes and Eli, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
>To: "Jay Mittenthal" <mitten at life.uiuc.edu>
>Subject:  20 Days Countdown.  Can we raise a million today?
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Dear MoveOn member,
>Our fundraising effort for heroes in Congress has been wildly
>successful, with almost $900,000 raised in under 48 hours from
>more than 25,000 individual donations.  You folks are amazing.
>Let's make it a cool million.  Just go to
>  http://www.moveonpac.org/moveonpac/viewcandidates.phtml
>Now that the Iraq resolution has passed, we believe we need to
>put 100% of our focus on the upcoming election.  The American
>people are smarter than politicians and pollsters think.  If
>Bush loses Congress through his cynical use of war for election
>year politics, this will be a watershed moment.
>For each of the next twenty days, until election day itself,
>we will highlight a reason to act and a way to act.  If you
>don't want to receive these countdown emails, you can
>unsubscribe at any time from the MoveOn.org PAC list, using
>the link at the bottom of each email.  But we encourage you
>to stay tuned and help out where you can.
>Firstly, help us compile a list of important reasons to act
>in this election -- to donate, to volunteer, to vote.  We've
>got to help people get energized -- to give up their
>comfortable cynicism and to fight.  We've mounted a reader-rated
>discussion group on reasons to act at:
>  http://www.actionforum.com/forum/index.html?forum_id=250
>The question of the day:  Why is it crucial to wrest control
>of Congress from Bush and the right wing?  Our contribution
>for the day is to state the obvious:
>     - We cannot let war win elections.
>Read and rate this comment online and make your own contribution.
>We'll highlight top rated reasons in our coming election
>countdown campaign. We're trying to have each comment focus
>on just one issue or reason, so it will fit into our countdown
>drumbeat. We hope the subject line of each comment will be a
>pithy summary of the issue, that will fit well into a top 20 list.
>Thanks for everything.  The countdown begins,
>-Wes, Eli, Joan, Peter, Doug and Carrie
>  for MoveOn.org PAC
>  October 16, 2002
>                   PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG PAC
>This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
>To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
>our subscription management page and uncheck the
>"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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