[Peace-discuss] News Update: 'Debt for Security' Bill Becomes Law; NTRC Launches New Calendar of Events (fwd)

patton paul ppatton at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 25 09:56:33 CDT 2002

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Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:21:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: The Justice Project <webmaster at justice.policy.net>
Reply-To: comments at justice.policy.net
To: Paul Patton <ppatton at uiuc.edu>
Subject: News Update: 'Debt for Security' Bill Becomes Law; NTRC Launches
    New Calendar of Events

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      Printer Friendly Version
      Send to a Friend News Update: President Bush Signs a "Debt
      for Security" Bill Into Law

      Congratulations! As a result of strong public support and the
      thousands of faxes you helped send to Congress, Congress has
      passed and President Bush has signed a bill that will provide
      for a "debt for nonproliferation swap" with Russia. This new
      law will forgive a portion of Russia's outstanding debt to
      the United States in exchange for Russia spending those funds
      on programs that would secure nuclear warheads, material, and
      other weapons of mass destruction.

      This new "debt for security" provision is of critical
      importance. While Russia possesses 95 percent of the world's
      nuclear weapons and materials (outside of the United States)
      and has enough material to make at least 60,000 additional
      warheads, it does not have a reliable system for securing and
      accounting for its enormous nuclear stockpile. To learn more
      about this issue and view NTRC's new ad, please visit

      This victory wouldn't have been possible without your letters
      and faxes! Thank you for supporting Senators Joseph Biden
      (D-DE), Richard Lugar (R-IN), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and
      Reps. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) John McHugh (R-NY) and John
      Spratt (D-SC) as they led the charge on considering debt for
      non-proliferation swaps as an innovative means by which to
      secure weapons and materials in Russia. We can't say it often
      enough - your letters do make a difference!


      NEW! Want to follow what's happening in Congress related to
      the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction? Then Sign
      Up for the NTRC Update!

      To help you stay on top of events and happenings related to
      proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, NTRC has is now
      offering the NTRC Update, a calendar with the latest
      information on Congressional hearings, speeches, conferences,
      and other events on weapons of mass destruction.

      The NTRC Update, which will be sent out periodically during
      the remainder of the 107th Congress and then weekly when the
      108th Congress begins, includes helpful links to more
      in-depth information on Congressional hearings and other
      events related to the issue of nuclear threat reduction.

      Sign up to receive the NTRC Update by email and view an
      online version of the Events Calendar by visting

      Below is a sample of the type of information included in NTRC
      Oct. 25 Chinese President Jiang Zemin visits President Bush's
      ranch. Crawford, TX
      Oct. 26 11 a.m., International A.N.S.W.E.R., National March
      on Washington: Stop the War on Iraq before it Starts
      Oct. 26-27 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
      Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico

      Sign up today - visit

      Please pass this information on to friends and others
      interested in reducing the threat of nuclear, chemical and
      biological weapons!


      You received this mailing because you opted to receive
      information from the Nuclear Threat Reduction Campaign (NTRC)
      and/or DontBlowIt.org. If you feel you received this email in
      error or no longer wish to receive news updates from NTRC,
      you may update your mailing preferences or remove yourself
      from our mailing list by visiting

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