[Peace-discuss] Jewish voices

Charlotte Green chgreen48 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 25 12:44:09 CDT 2002

I appreciate the thoughtful discussion concerning
anti-Semitism.  I won't be able to be at the AWARE
meeting this Sunday so I'll express my thoughts here.

I do think we need a clear statement on our brochure
on Israel that we are not anti-Semitic--in fact, one
of our goals is to fight racism of any kind.  Also,
I'd like to see a very clear statement in all
literature that we are advocates for nonviolent
solutions.  There is a reference in the Israel
brochure to "brutal violence of the suicide bombers",
but I think it should be stated in no uncertain terms
that we do not support the suicide bombers.  In
addition, I think we need a pamphlet exploring
nonviolence as a realistic strategy for solving
problems.  We have to do more than criticize the
government and the current use of force as a way to
deal with problems; we need to set forth our own
proposals for making peace.

I like the ideas that have been proposed, especially a
panel of Jewish voices in support of rights of
Palestinians.  Some ideas for panelists include a
representative from Not in My Name, someone who could
speak of peacemaking in Jewish tradition, a historian
who could speak about the history of Palestine,
another historian speaking about the history of
Zionism.  This type of panel would be very informative
and give a statement to the public that all Jewish
people do not support the oppression of the
Palestinian people.  I think it would help deal with
the anti-Semitic issue to hear Jewish voices.

I'd like to know more about Ronen Eidelman's
background.  $300 seems like a lot to spend, but it
may be worth it.

Thanks for listening to my long-winded speech. 

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