[Peace-discuss] When will this longstanding Israeli intifada end?

charles joseph smith cjsmith2 at students.uiuc.edu
Sat Oct 26 06:49:29 CDT 2002

I censored myself from going to the Palestinian Truth Tour. Why?

I was worried that some of the pictures in the videotaped filming of the
West Bank
and Gaza would be too graphic for me to see. I know that it is not
Hollywood and all of the stuff on the film is real--not fiction.
But I am still thinking about this new intifada that started around 2000,
that made me think about stuff about Israeli aggression and Palestinian
extremism, like...

--like an Israeli soldier beating a Palestinian after being refused
  entry at a checkpoint to the West Bank...

--or an Israeli soldier shooting to death a Palestinian just because the
  soldier wants that person dead...


--A Palestinian flaunting explosives on the waist for a planned suicide

Palestinians do have the right to separate themselves from Israeli rule
rule their own state, but extremist tactics like setting off suicide
bombs will still not be condoned.

Charles Joseph Smith
URH, 101 Daniels Hall, 1010 W. Green St., #101
Urbana, IL 61801-3097
cjsmith2 at uiuc.edu

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