[Peace-discuss] Fwd: A Message from Tom Daschle, Majority Leader, US Senate

Jay Mittenthal mitten at life.uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 30 10:41:46 CST 2002

>Date: 25 Oct 2002 10:31:26 -0000
>From: "Wes Boyd, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
>To: "Jay Mittenthal" <mitten at life.uiuc.edu>
>Subject: A Message from Tom Daschle, Majority Leader, US Senate
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Dear Jay,
>Tomorrow we begin the 10 day countdown to the election.
>Attached below is a note to you from Senator Tom Daschle,
>recognizing our past work and asking for your help.
>Today we're highlighting a group of tight Senate races at:
>   http://www.moveonpac.org/moveonpac/viewcandidates.phtml
>Control of the Senate hangs in the balance.
>Please give 'til it hurts,
>Dear MoveOn Member,
>I'm proud to serve as Senate Majority Leader, and I thank you
>and MoveOn.org for helping me attain that honor.
>You see, in the last election, MoveOn members helped send
>four new Democrats to the Senate by giving money through
>the MoveOn.org PAC.  Amazingly, individual gifts averaging
>less than $50 added up to more than $2 million -- a strong
>display of the impact regular people can have on the
>electoral process that helped wake Washington up to the
>political power of the Internet.
>Those four new Senate Democrats put us within one seat of a
>majority in the Senate, so when Senator Jeffords made his
>courageous walk across the aisle, control of the Senate
>switched to the Democrats.
>I urge you to help us keep the Senate in Democratic hands by
>giving what you can now through the MoveOn PAC.
>Here's why it matters.  Today, the Democratic majority in the
>Senate is the only safeguard we can count on to ensure that
>regular people, not just giant corporations, have a say in how
>our country is run, and in what the government does in your name.
>The Democratic majority is working to restore confidence in
>our economy.  We've passed real reforms that will help protect
>our pensions and encourage investment.  And hearings held by
>Senate Democrats have been key to holding corporate criminals
>accountable for their misdeeds.
>The Senate, with its Democratic majority, is the only thing
>keeping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge safe from oil
>drilling, which the Republican-controlled House of
>Representatives has repeatedly proposed.
>Only the Democratic majority in the Senate has prevented
>billions of dollars in tax giveaways to some of the world's
>biggest corporations, including ENRON.  And only the Democratic
>majority is preventing a raid on the Social Security retirement
>system on which so many Americans count.
>In a couple weeks, Americans all across the country will cast
>their votes for our nation's leaders.  On November 5th, we will
>choose between two very different visions for our country.
>Giving money to support a vision you agree with is one of the
>most powerful ways you can make a difference for the future of
>our country and world.
>Please stand up for our values by contributing what you can today.
>We can't win without your help.
>MoveOn PAC has again made it incredibly easy to support great
>candidates online.
>Thanks for all you do.
>Tom Daschle
>United States Senator
>Majority Leader
>P.S.  And if you would like to contact me or to find out more
>about the key Senate races and candidates, please send me an
>e-mail at tom at dashpac.com or log onto my website www.dashpac.com.
>        Contributions are not tax deductible
>This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
>To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
>our subscription management page and uncheck the
>"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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