[Peace-discuss] Scary Halloween Story (fwd)

patton paul ppatton at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 31 12:15:52 CST 2002

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 31 Oct 2002 17:07:37 -0000
From: "Wes Boyd, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
To: Dr. Paul Patton <ppatton at uiuc.edu>
Subject: Scary Halloween Story

Imagine that Bush, Cheney and the far right consolidate
power through their use of a permanent state of war, supported
politically by corporate dollars.  All three branches of our national
government are in their hands.

Imagine the nightmare scenario.  We know we'll see tax cuts for the
rich and for corporations -- they're already lining up.  With the Bush
administration's bankrupt economic policy, can we expect a recovery?
What about environmental protections, a woman's right to choose, and
social security?  With the total embrace of pre-emptive, unilateral war,
will we enter an era of American wars?  With Ashcroft unleashed, what
will happen to political opposition and even the right to speech?
Would you be surprised if Jeb Bush is President in 2008?

Americans are rightfully suspicious of alarmist talk.  In general, we
live fairly comfortable lives.  We believe in moderation.  "Things
will be OK."  It pains me to say that if we don't act, things simply
may NOT be OK.

America has faced down threats from the right before.  Our great
democratic traditions -- of checks and balances and of free and open
debate -- have always come to our rescue.  And the moderate, common
sense soul of our citizens has always countered the overreaching
ambitions of the greedy few.  We will win again.  We will wake up
from this nightmare.  But you must help.

It's crucial that we do all we can to keep the Senate from falling
into right wing hands.  Control of the Senate will be decided in just
a few tight races.  We've brought them together and made it easy for
you to give, at:


Your money will go directly and instantly to the campaigns you select.
Help Senate candidates Tom Strickland, Mark Pryor, Chellie Pingree,
Mary Landrieu, Ron Kirk, Jeanne Shaheen, and Jean Carnahan keep our
worst nightmare from coming true.

We talk to these campaigns every day, so they can adjust their last
minute spending.  Yesterday, one of the campaign managers said to us,
"We're doing a jig here, in your honor."  This support means a
tremendous amount to them.

It's an especially good sign that Mark Pryor is just now pulling even
with Hutchinson in Arkansas.  Your support could put him over the top.
We've put him on the top of our list for today.

Why must we act?  With just five days to go, our reason for the day
is clear:  "Right wing domination is America's worst nightmare."

It's amazing how close these races are.  Your support will
make the difference.

The countdown continues,

-Eli, Wes, Joan, Peter, Doug and Carrie
 for MoveOn.org PAC
 October 31th, 2002

P.S.  For previous reasons and actions in our Election Day
countdown, go to:


Also, if you know other folks who would like to get our email
alerts, have them go to MoveOnPAC.org and click on the
"signup now" link.

       Contributions are not tax deductible
This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
our subscription management page and uncheck the
"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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