[Peace-discuss] Deploying the Chicken Hawks

David Green davegreen48 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 30 16:18:18 CDT 2002

III. Letters and Comments


Regarding the Chicken Hawk leadership issue [see Jim
Lobe, "Chicken 
Hawks as Cheerleaders," 
], I 
wish to propose a solution. Before anyone without
combat experience can 
advocate a war with Iraq, they must sign an
irrevocable commitment to 
serve in the U.S. occupying force there following the
war. Certainly 
many of the Chicken Hawks did take active measures to
avoid combat in 
their time but that is in the past. What jars our
sensibilities now is 
their cavalier attitude that says, "Go get 'em gang,
we're behind you all 
the way." Let them put up or shut up by committing
themselves to be 
behind the combat troops literally as well as

What would they do there? The Commander-in-Chief of
the occupying 
forces will have needs for civil affairs support in
many fields as he 
attempts to guide the post-war reconstruction of a
devastated Iraq. As an 
example, Tom DeLay, a hawk's hawk, could serve as a
political adviser to 
guide the formation of an American-style democracy.
Kenneth Adelman, a 
noted historian, could direct the rebuilding of the
nation's libraries.

George Will, a master of all fields, could serve as
Commissioner of 
Baseball to bring America's glorious pastime to Iraq.
Vice President 
Cheney could bring his broad experience as CEO of an
oil equipment 
corporation to restore Iraqi oil production in order
to lower oil costs to 
Americans. There is no end to the possibilities for
imaginative service by 
those hawks without warrior qualifications.

Of course, they would want to live with the service
personnel in their 
barracks to bond with them and share to the fullest
the joys of 
occupation duty in Iraq. Body armor in July might be
uncomfortable and 
occasional booby traps, ambushes, sniper fire, and
other greetings from 
restless natives might detract from their pleasure,
but it would clearly 
demonstrate that the term "Chicken Hawk" no longer
applied to those who had 
called loudest and longest for war with Iraq.

If the Chicken Hawks were required to perform some
service under 
arduous conditions in Iraq after the war, they might
not be quite so willing 
to send the warriors out there in the first place.

- Admiral Eugene Carroll <ecarroll at CDI.ORG>

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