[Peace-discuss] News from Iraq and the Nagasaki Day DU talk by Doug Rokke

Charles Jenks charles at mtdata.com
Tue Aug 12 00:30:19 CDT 2003

Greetings - 

The website has been quiet for a week due to a burned out computer, then
today the server goes down. All seems well now (I'm keeping my fingers
crossed). I think we've come back strong with two new original items. Much
more is on the way.

*Doug Rokke, Ph.D., former director of the US Army DU project after the Gulf
War, capped our 3 state, 8 stop Ban 'Depleted' Uranium (DU) Tour with an
excellent Nagasaki Day talk at the Martin Luther King Center in Springfield,
MA. (hosted locally by Arise for Social Justice with many co-sponsors).  We
have the audio (both MP3 and RealAudio) with Q and A at

This is an important talk. Rokke, one of the world's experts on the dangers
of the US military's use of 'depleted' uranium munitions,   approached by
many veterans and their families during his tour. They told him about the
veterans who are coming home sick after service in the current war in Iraq.
Over 200,000 veterans from Gulf War I are on permanent disability from war
related illnesses and injuries. The US government, long in denial about Gulf
War Syndrome and the dramatic increase in cancer rates in parts of Iraq
where DU was heavily used, is calling the current sicknesses pneumonia. How
credible is the US this time?
More is coming on DU, as we're updating our resources, and the fall DU tour
with Doug is coming up (groups in 10 states are asking for events, as well
as the Campus Anti-War Network).

*What's happening in Iraq? The situation is deteriorating, according to Rick
McDowell and Mary Trotochaud, Iraq Country Representatives for AFSC (and
former Core Group members of Traprock). Rick has been to Iraq over 15 times,
and has led trips with Nobel Peace Prize winners and religious leaders. Mary
is a dedicated organizer, e.g. School of the Americas actions. They have
just returned from 3 months in Baghdad and are heading back after they
finish their speaking tour for another 6 months. This event was sponsored by
our friends at Western Mass AFSC and hosted by First Churches of

We recorded this August 3 talk and have posted it (both mp3 and RealAudio)
at http://traprockpeace.org
This is an important primary resource.

Best wishes, Charlie

Charles Jenks, attorney at law
President of the Core Group
Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road
Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-1633; Fax 413-773-7507
charles at mtdata.com

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