[Peace-discuss] AWARE Benefit - how YOU can help

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 8 13:25:17 CST 2003

So, you really want to be involved in the AWARE
benefit this Saturday, but the working group seems to
have things so under control that you didn't see any
need to offer help.  Here is YOUR chance!  :-)

Anyone willing/able to put together some 'finger
foods' for Saturday, email me at veganlinda at yahoo.com.
 Strawberry Fields and World Harvest are generously
providing some food, but munchies go quickly when
people are dancing and having fun!  It would be nice
if someone wants to buy or put together things like a
relish tray, maybe little sandwiches, cookies, etc. 
Every little bit helps.  We could use soft drinks too.
 I am more than happy to pick up anything you have to
donate so you don't even have to worry about being at
the benefit at any certain time.  

You don't do food and drinks, but you have a wonderful
talent you would love to share with others?  Again, we
have a way for you to help the benefit too.  We are
holding a raffle of gifts and services.  If you have
something you want to donate to the raffle let Lisa
chason at shout.net or Al akagan at uiuc.edu know.  

I want to make your involvement easy and fun so just
give me an email or call (355-5462) if you are



Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether if is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people. ... Racism, economic deprival, dogfighting and cockfighting, bullfighting and rodeos are cut from the same fabric: violence ... only when we have become non violent towards all life will we have learned to live well ourselves. Cesar Chavez, 1927-93 (letter, 12/90)

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