[Peace-discuss] Saddam Hussein captured

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 14 10:12:03 CST 2003

Dec 14, 2003
By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer 
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Without firing a shot, American forces
captured a bearded and haggard-looking Saddam Hussein
in an underground hide-out on a farm near his hometown
of Tikrit, ending one of the most intensive manhunts
in history. The arrest was a huge victory for U.S.
forces battling an insurgency by the ousted dictator's


Other reports have markets jumping over the news, and
Bush & Co. are sure to be rubbing their hands at the
prospect of another four years.  We should respond to
this as we have been responding to other news from
Iraq, in my opinion: Saddam was a bad man, a brutal
dictator, and an ally of the US for many years while
slaughtering Iranians and Iraqis alike.  While his
demise therefore can not be mourned, the US influence
on Iraq -- two wars, 11 years of sanctions, not to
mention US aid in the Iran-Iraq war and in Saddam's
campaign against Iraqi uprisings -- has been far more
destructive than Saddam ever was on his own.  If the
US intends to prosecute Saddam Hussein, it must also
prosecute his allies in this country, several former
presidents among them.


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